Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Sun May 31 19:10:04 2009)
- st: alternative specification for Oaxaca decomposition?
- Re: st: Re: Count occurrence and duration of states in panel data
- Re: st: Re: Count occurrence and duration of states in panel data
- st: Re: Turning an observation with start and end dates into a time series
- st: Re: random intercept model: How To Interpret LR test ?
- st: Turning an observation with start and end dates into a time series
- st: random intercept model: How To Interpret LR test ?
- Re: st: re: Is There a User-Written Command for Boosted Regression
- Re: st: Explaining the Use of Inferential Statistics Even Though I Have Population Data
- st: Re: Count occurrence and duration of states in panel data
- st: Count occurrence and duration of states in panel data
- st: Re: ivprobit / non-continuous endogenious variable on the right hand side
- st: ivprobit / non-continuous endogenious variable on the right hand side
- RE: st: RE: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- RE: st: dates and Stata
- st: sounds like [was: no title]
- RE: st: appending time periods
- Re: st: marg effects & s.e. in tobit
- Re: st: marg effects & s.e. in tobit
- Re: st: appending time periods
- Re: st: appending time periods
- st: appending time periods
- Re: st: Explaining the Use of Inferential Statistics Even Though I Have Population Data
- Re: st: Re: Generating comparison/contingency tables
- st: interpretation of interactions with only one variable in log format
- Re: st: marg effects & s.e. in tobit
- Re: st: marg effects & s.e. in tobit
- Re: st: Explaining the Use of Inferential Statistics Even Though I Have Population Data
- Re: st: Lagged dependent variables: L2.
- Re: st: Lagged dependent variables: L2.
- st: Lagged dependent variables: L2.
- st: Fw: Re: Translating an R expression (diff <- pchisq(d, p) -(0.5:n)/n) into Stata code
- AW: st: Re: Marginal Effects in Tobit
- AW: st: Re: Marginal Effects in Tobit
- Re: st: Re: Marginal Effects in Tobit
- st: Re: Marginal Effects in Tobit
- st: Marginal Effects in Tobit
- st: Re: Translating an R expression (diff <- pchisq(d, p) - (0.5:n)/n) into Stata code
- st: Re:
- Re: st: dates and Stata
- st: Translating an R expression (diff <- pchisq(d, p) - (0.5:n)/n) into Stata code
- [no subject]
- Re: st: dates and Stata
- Re: st: Re: Generating comparison/contingency tables
- st: dates and Stata
- st: marg effects & s.e. in tobit
- st: Re: Generating comparison/contingency tables
- Re: st: Explaining the Use of Inferential Statistics Even Though I Have Population Data
- st: Explaining the Use of Inferential Statistics Even Though I Have Population Data
- st: Generating comparison/contingency tables
- Re: st: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- Re: st: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- Re: st: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- Re: st: RE: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- Re: st: Complex survey with only sampling weights
- Re: st: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- st: RE: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- Re: st: Complex survey with only sampling weights
- st: AW: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- st: Multilevel models with plausible values as dependent variable
- st: AW: Test for endogeneity for IV Regression?
- Re: st: Complex survey with only sampling weights
- st: Test for endogeneity for IV Regression?
- st: Complex survey with only sampling weights
- st: RE: Tag clouds in Stata?
- st: RE: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- Re: AW: st: Tag clouds in Stata?
- RE: st: Re: Re: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- st: RE: stata graphics- qfitci versus lfitci??
- Re: st: stata graphics- qfitci versus lfitci??
- AW: st: Tag clouds in Stata?
- Re: st: Tag clouds in Stata?
- st: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- Re: st: stata graphics- qfitci versus lfitci??
- Re: st: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- st: Tag clouds in Stata?
- AW: st: Re: Re: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- st: AW: using frequency weights with stcox
- st: using frequency weights with stcox
- st: stata graphics- qfitci versus lfitci??
- st: stir and comparison of mortality rate between 2 groups
- Re: Fwd: st: RE: [clustered] random draws
- st: RE: [clustered] random draws
- st: [clustered] random draws
- st: pooling estimates across different datasets
- st: Bloom and Killingsworth, 1985, Truncated Reg
- Re: st: Data Management
- st: fitting a gompertz curve, not in the context of survival analysis
- Re: st: Re: Re: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- st: AW: Heteroskedasticity-robust F statistic and t statistic
- Re: st: Data Management
- st: Heteroskedasticity-robust F statistic and t statistic
- st: Creating tables of baseline characteristics
- RE: st: Creating tables of baseline characteristics
- Re: st: Data Management
- Re: st: Data Management
- st: Data Management
- Re: st: Estimation with ivregress 2sls
- AW: Fwd: st: AW: RE: AW: Simulation in Stata
- Re: Fwd: st: AW: RE: AW: Simulation in Stata
- st: AW: RE: AW: Simulation in Stata
- st: AW: Estimation with ivregress 2sls
- st: question about non-linear leasts squares
- RE: st: AW: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- RE: st: AW: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- Re: st: AW: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- st: Estimation with ivregress 2sls
- st: RE: AW: Simulation in Stata
- st: AW: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- st: AW: Simulation in Stata
- st: RE: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- st: Test for serial correlation in TSCS data: pooled Lagrange test vs. xtserial command
- Re: st: re: Is There a User-Written Command for Boosted Regression that is Mac Compatible?
- st: Simulation in Stata
- st: Re: Re: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- st: Re: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- RE: st: Dataset transformation problem
- st: how to calculate employment history - panel data
- Re: st: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- Re: st: Dataset transformation problem
- st: Size of Legend in Graphs
- Re: Re: st: Re: Re: selection bias with bivariate probit
- RE: st: Dataset transformation problem
- Re: st: Dataset transformation problem
- Re: st: Dataset transformation problem
- st: Dataset transformation problem
- AW: st: AW: password
- AW: st: AW: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- FW: st: AW: password
- Re: st: AW: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- Re: st: AW: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- FW: st: AW: password
- Re: st: odbc postgres [version 9.2]
- st: AW: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- st: lpattern() option doesn't work in -twoway bar-?
- Re: st: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- RE: st: AW: password
- st: RE: GLLAMM continous outcomes
- Re: st: RE: GLLAMM model for continous outcomes
- Re: st: GLLAMM continous outcomes
- st: AW: RE: GLLAMM model for continous outcomes
- st: RE: GLLAMM model for continous outcomes
- st: GLLAMM model for continous outcomes
- Re: st: AW: random coefficient logit
- st: GLLAMM continous outcomes
- Re: st: AW: password
- RE: st: AW: password
- RE: st: AW: password
- AW: st: AW: password
- RE: st: AW: password
- Re: st: case-control study vs entire dataset
- st: AW: random coefficient logit
- st: random coefficient logit
- st: Program of the 7th German Stata Users Group Meeting
- st: Re: st: RE: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- st: RE: AW: graphing means with std dev
- Re: st: reverse equation estimation
- Re: st: RE: case-control study vs entire dataset
- st: AW: graphing means with std dev
- st: AW: graphing means with std dev
- st: graphing means with std dev
- st: reverse equation estimation
- st: Forward orthogonal differences
- st: RE: case-control study vs entire dataset
- st: case-control study vs entire dataset
- Re: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these? OR moels and reality
- st: AW: ivtobit error message
- st: RE: ivtobit error message
- st: ivtobit error message
- st: odbc postgres [version 9.2]
- Re: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these? OR moels and reality
- Re: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these? OR moels and reality
- st: new version of postrcspline available
- st: RE: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- RE: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these? OR moels and reality
- RE: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- Re: st: Re: dataset generation
- st: Re: dataset generation
- st: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- Re: st: dataset generation
- Re: st: dataset generation
- Re: st: dataset generation
- st: dataset generation
- st: Re: st: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- st: how to test with two suspect endogenous variables?
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- R: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- RE: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- RE: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- RE: st: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- RE: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- RE: st: Survival between groups
- st: SSC Archive updates
- RE: st: Survival between groups
- Re: st: Clustering Problem
- st: Gillian Frost is out of the office.
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- st: interpreting error message from predict after metandi command
- Re: st: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- st: RE: Replace string characters disregarding the position of the character in the string
- st: Replace string characters disregarding the position of the character in the string
- st: Clustering Problem
- st: RE: RE: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: RE: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: 3nd Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group meeting 2009 first announcement and call for presentations
- Re: st: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- Re: st: AW: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- st: AW: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- Re: st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- st: Forest plot of hazard ratios
- Re: st: Survival between groups
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- RE: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- st: Survival between groups
- st: Re: Re: keeping first digits in number
- st: RE: keeping first digits in number
- st: Re: keeping first digits in number
- st: keeping first digits in number
- Re: st: overid error after reg3
- st: Missing outcome variables - how to deal with these?
- Re: st: overid error after reg3
- Re: st: AW: overid error after reg3
- Re: st: overid error after reg3
- st: AW: overid error after reg3
- st: overid error after reg3
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- st: how to do endogeniety test with two suspect endogenous variables
- st: RE: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- Re: st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- st: Getting data from NBER to STATA
- st: how to do endogeniety test with two suspect endogenous variables
- RE: st: RE: insheet numeric variables as strings
- Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- RE: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- RE: st: RE: insheet numeric variables as strings
- Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- RE: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- Re: st: Re: Re: selection bias with bivariate probit
- RE: st: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- st: insheet numeric variables as strings
- AW: st: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- AW: st: Re: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- RE: st: RE: insheet numeric variables as strings
- st: Re: Re: selection bias with bivariate probit
- st: Re: selection bias with bivariate probit
- st: selection bias with bivariate probit
- RE: st: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- Re: st: Re: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- AW: st: Re: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- AW: st: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- st: Re: GJR-GARCH
- RE: st: how to get the "tabdis" result in datasheet?
- Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- st: Re: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- Re: st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- st: Create a new variable based on some other variables
- st: Re: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- Re: st: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- st: RE: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- st: Re: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- Re: st: RE: RE: RE: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: random effects panel model - interpretation of rho=0
- st: bpagan test after xtreg?
- RE: st: RE: insheet numeric variables as strings
- Re: st: test predicted hazard
- st: RE: how to get the "tabdis" result in datasheet?
- st: RE: RE: RE: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: RE: RE: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: how to get the "tabdis" result in datasheet?
- st: RE: RE: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: RE: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: egen and spontaneously changing numbers
- st: test predicted hazard
- RE: st: AW: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- Re: st: GJR-GARCH
- AW: st: AW: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- Re: st: GJR-GARCH
- Re: st: RE: Re: fastcd
- Re: st: AW: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- st: AW: re: data entries
- RE: st: Re: Method lf evaluator code for heckman model
- st: re: data entries
- st: re: GJR-GARCH
- Re: st: Consistency in behavior of st_subview()
- st: Monica Daigl Cattaneo is out of the office.
- st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: Re: Test for homogeneity of odds ratios with ordinal data (r x 2)?
- st: RE: RE: AW: re: data entries
- st: RE: insheet numeric variables as strings
- st: RE: AW: re: data entries
- st: AW: re: data entries
- st: RE: AW: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- st: AW: AW: data entries
- st: AW: data entries
- st: AW: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- st: re: data entries
- st: data entries
- st: RE: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- st: RE: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- Re: st: RE: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?
- st: AW: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- RE: st: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- st: how to identify unique id variables within groups?
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- AW: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: Re: metan update
- Re: st: RE: Re: fastcd
- RE: st: insheet numeric variables as strings
- RE: st: insheet numeric variables as strings
- RE: st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: insheet numeric variables as strings
- Re: st: RE: RE: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- Re: st: "too many sersets" errors; sersets limits?
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- st: RE: Re: fastcd
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- Re: st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- st: Re: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: Re: display single value stored in e()
- st: Re: fastcd
- Re: st: Consistency in behavior of st_subview()
- st: fastcd
- st: display single value stored in e()
- Re: st: RE: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?
- st: computation of R-squared with a non-linear model
- st: re: Is There a User-Written Command for Boosted Regression that is Mac Compatible?
- st: Is There a User-Written Command for Boosted Regression that is Mac Compatible?
- st: RE: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- st: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?
- st: Test for homogeneity of odds ratios with ordinal data (r x 2)?
- st: "too many sersets" errors; sersets limits?
- st: Consistency in behavior of st_subview()
- RE: [Fwd: Re: st: from value to varnames]
- Re: [Fwd: Re: st: from value to varnames]
- RE: [Fwd: Re: st: from value to varnames]
- [Fwd: Re: st: from value to varnames]
- RE: st: RE: cluster analysis for panel data
- st: RE: AW: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- st: AW: AW: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- st: AW: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- Re: st: from value to varnames
- st: Re: F-statistic using Newey
- Re: st: Re: Method lf evaluator code for heckman model
- Re: st: Re: Method lf evaluator code for heckman model
- Re: st: from value to varnames
- RE: st: AW: password
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- R: st: AW: Chi Square Test
- st: Chi Square Test
- st: AW: Chi Square Test
- Re: st: RE: ANOVA help
- st: AW: F-statistic using Newey
- AW: st: from value to varnames
- Re: st: how to remove symbles or some part from a string?
- Re: st: how to remove symbles or some part from a string?
- st: how to remove symbles or some part from a string?
- Re: st: from value to varnames
- st: F-statistic using Newey
- Re: st: from value to varnames
- st: AW: Aggregate and Microdata
- st: AW: from value to varnames
- Re: st: Aggregate and Microdata
- st: from value to varnames
- st: Aggregate and Microdata
- Re: st: AW: password
- st: Re: Method lf evaluator code for heckman model
- Re: st: RE: cluster analysis for panel data
- RE: st: AW: password
- st: AW: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- st: AW: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- Re: st: password
- st: RE: Bar Graph Lower Bound
- st: Bar Graph Lower Bound
- st: combined Pearson and Spearman (listwise ) + LATEX
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- st: RE: cluster analysis for panel data
- Re: st: AW: password
- st: AW: password
- st: password
- st: RE: ANOVA help
- st: cluster analysis for panel data
- Re: st: AW: ANOVA help
- st: AW: ANOVA help
- st: dirtools available on SSC
- RE: st: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- st: ANOVA help
- Re: st: Re: RE: AW: IPF troubles
- RE: st: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- RE: st: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- AW: st: RE: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- Re: st: RE: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- st: RE: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- st: Any ways to specify the regression output to 2 decimal places?
- st: RE: RE: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- Re: st: AW: sts graph without title
- st: AW: sts graph without title
- RE: st: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- st: AW: sts graph without title
- st: sts graph without title
- st: AW: Person-period dataset, stcox, subjects in analysis
- Re: st: RE: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- st: RE: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- st: Creating a table with list of variables, but showing all values even if value is not used
- Re: st: Person-period dataset, stcox, subjects in analysis
- RE: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- Re: st: Person-period dataset, stcox, subjects in analysis
- st: Person-period dataset, stcox, subjects in analysis
- Re: st: tlabel
- Re: st: tlabel
- st: tlabel
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- Re: st: question about negative binomial regression by Stata
- Re: st: tobit and its efficiency
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- Re: st: RE: Microdata Adjustment through re-weighting
- st: RE: Microdata Adjustment through re-weighting
- Re: st: Microdata Adjustment through re-weighting
- Re: st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- st: Microdata Adjustment through re-weighting
- st: re: table from stata to latex
- st: Re: re: table from stata to latex
- st: Re: RE: AW: IPF troubles
- st: AIC and BIC to compare parametric and non-parametric survival models
- Re: st: PWEIGHT question
- st: RE: AW: IPF troubles
- st: RE: re: table from stata to latex
- st: RE: Poisson process to detect outliers
- st: re: table from stata to latex
- st: Poisson process to detect outliers
- RE: st: IPF troubles
- Re: st: AW: table from stata to latex
- AW: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- st: AW: table from stata to latex
- Re: st: re: table from stata to latex
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- st: re: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- st: re: table from stata to latex
- st: AW: table from stata to latex
- st: table from stata to latex
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- st: RE: Fast way to calculate Gini coefficients
- st: AW: IPF troubles
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- st: AW: IPF troubles
- st: RE: IPF troubles
- Re: st: IPF troubles
- st: RE: RE: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
- st: xtpcse - running LaGrange multiplier test
- st: IPF troubles
- st: testing...
- Re: st: Generating exact copy of variable
- Re: st: Generating exact copy of variable
- Re: st: RE: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
- Re: st: Generating exact copy of variable
- st: Fast way to calculate Gini coefficients
- st: Generating exact copy of variable
- Re: st: PWEIGHT question
- Re: st: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
- RE: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: PWEIGHT question
- st: AW: PWEIGHT question
- st: PWEIGHT question
- st: RE: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
- RE: st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.
- st: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
- Re: st: Bounded Dependent Variable in Random Intercept Model?
- st: Covariates in ANOVAs
- RE: st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.
- RE: st: Bounded Dependent Variable in Random Intercept Model?
- RE: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- Re: st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- st: AW: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- RE: Re: st: MCA (multiple correspondence analysis), identifying groups
- st: Making scatterplot instead of box plot...
- st: Help with mlogit multinomial logistic regression, IIA, choosing outcome variables
- st: RE: Help with mlogit questions; IIA; choosing outcome variables; collapsing outcomes, multinomial logistic regression
- Re: st: RE: Re: Class programming in stata.
- Re: Re: st: MCA (multiple correspondence analysis), identifying groups
- Re: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- Fwd: Fwd: st: Re: Matrix manipulation help
- st: RE: offset() option in glm models
- st: Strange clustered data
- st: xtabond and lag structure problem
- Re: st: offset() option in glm models
- st: AW: offset() option in glm models
- AW: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- Re: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- st: DFBETAS after running glm model
- AW: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- st: offset() option in glm models
- Re: st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- Re: st: RE: Re: Class programming in stata.
- st: RE: How do I write a directory listing to a file under Windows
- st: when to cluster
- st: AW: Bivariate probit in Panel data
- st: RE: Re: Class programming in stata.
- Re: st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.
- RE: st: How do I write a directory listing to a file under Windows
- st: Re: Matrix manipulation help
- st: AW: Re: Class programming in stata.
- st: Re: Class programming in stata.
- st: Bivariate probit in Panel data
- st: Help with mlogit questions; IIA; choosing outcome variables; collapsing outcomes, multinomial logistic regression
- RE: st: How do I write a directory listing to a file under Windows
- RE: st: How do I write a directory listing to a file under Windows
- st: How do I write a directory listing to a file under Windows
- st: tobit and xtreg pls help
- st: tobit and xtreg pls help
- st: AW: Bounded Dependent Variable in Random Intercept Model?
- st: Bounded Dependent Variable in Random Intercept Model?
- st: model selection for GMM models / xtabond2
- Re: st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- st: "time ratios" and "hazard ratios"
- AW: AW: st: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- Fwd: st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- Re: st: RE: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- st: RE: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- Re: st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- Re: st: GARCH with dummy variables
- st: RE: RE: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: RE: RE: Matrix manipulation help
- st: RE: Re: Matrix manipulation help
- st: RE: Matrix manipulation help
- RE: AW: st: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- st: Re: Matrix manipulation help
- Re: st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- st: Matrix manipulation help
- Re: st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- Re: st: GARCH with dummy variables
- st: RE: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- Re: st: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- Re: st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- st: RE: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: sample size estimates for multilevel models
- st: Re: AW: Where may search difference in difference sample code?
- Re: st: Where may search difference in difference sample code?
- st: RE: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: Strings and the greater than/less than operators
- st: RE: RE: data management updating a panel dataset
- Re: st: bootstrap with cluster
- Re: st: Where may search difference in difference sample code?
- st: bootstrap with cluster
- st: AW: Where may search difference in difference sample code?
- st: Where may search difference in difference sample code?
- st: tobit and its efficiency
- st: Nested logit with chooser specific explanatory variables only
- Re: st: Error: e(sample) information not available
- Re: st: Error: e(sample) information not available
- st: Error: e(sample) information not available
- st: Error: e(sample) information not available
- st: RE: data management updating a panel dataset
- st: RE: data management updating a panel dataset
- st: RE: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- Re: st: GARCH with dummy variables
- st: data management updating a panel dataset
- RE: st: Re: multilevel graph about the distribution of means by country
- st: RE: Re: Re: Data management
- st: RE: RE: RE: ifelse mata function
- st: COURSE: Multilevel & Longitudinal Modelling 23/24 June, London
- st: Non-Linear 2SLS?
- Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: st: Monte Carlo with preset spatial autocorrelation
- st: GARCH with dummy variables
- Re: st: job transitions
- st: prediction using a random effects logit
- Re: st: RE: ifelse mata function
- R: st: R: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- Re: st: re: ifelse mata function
- Re: st: R: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- st: Re: Stata package -diagt- version 2.0.5. - correction
- Re: st: R: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- Re: st: Re: multilevel graph about the distribution of means by country
- st: metan update
- st: re: ifelse mata function
- st: Re: Stata package -diagt- version 2.0.5.
- st: RE: RE: ifelse mata function
- st: Re: ANOVA analysis: Probability value as scalar?
- st: RE: ifelse mata function
- st: ifelse mata function
- st: ANOVA analysis: Probability value as scalar?
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- re: st: problems with joinby or merge
- re: st: problems with joinby or merge
- st: R: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- st: Re: generating spatial weight matrix
- Re: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: question about negative binomial regression by Stata
- st: Re: Re: Data management
- Re: st: RE: RE: by and missing values question
- st: Re: Graph shading
- st: Graph shading
- AW: st: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: generating spatial weight matrix
- Re: st: how to refer to a quotation mark in functions
- Re: st: MCA (multiple correspondence analysis), identifying groups
- st: how to refer to a quotation mark in functions
- Re: st: Re: Data management
- Re: st: Re: Data management
- st: Re: Data management
- st: Re: multilevel graph about the distribution of means by country
- Re: Fwd: st: Monte Carlo with preset spatial autocorrelation
- Re: Fwd: st: Monte Carlo with preset spatial autocorrelation
- [no subject]
- st: RE: RE: RE: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- [no subject]
- st: RE: RE: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- RE: st: RE: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- Re: st: Monte Carlo with preset spatial autocorrelation
- st: Monte Carlo with preset spatial autocorrelation
- st: Kaplan Meier graph in longitudinal data
- st: RE: RE: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- Re: st: mata polyroots issue
- st: multilevel graph about the distribution of means by country
- Re: st: MCA (multiple correspondence analysis), identifying groups
- [no subject]
- st: RE: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- re: st: problems with joinby or merge
- Re: st: problems with joinby or merge
- st: problems with joinby or merge
- Re: st: Changing temporary file directory locations
- st: RE: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- st: Changing temporary file directory locations
- st: bootstrap with a user-contributed command
- Re: st: job transitions
- RE: st: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- st: RE: RE: by and missing values question
- RE: st: RE: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- RE: st: RE: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- st: RE: by and missing values question
- st: stcurve after stcox, strata
- st: RE: by and missing values question
- Re: st: RE: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- st: RE: RE: Re: About cumul command
- st: by and missing values question
- RE: st: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- Re: st: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- RE: st: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- st: RE: interpretation of disappearing siginifcance after adding interaction term
- Re: st: interpretation of disappearing siginifcance after adding interaction term
- st: interpretation of disappearing siginifcance after adding interaction term
- Re: st: RE: RE: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- Re: st: RE: RE: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: RE: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- Re: st: RE: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- st: job transitions
- st: Re: -rcspline- revised on SSC
- st: RE: Re: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: RE: RE: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: -rcspline- revised on SSC
- st: RE: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- st: RE: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: RE: Multistage demand system
- st: RE: Re: About cumul command
- st: RE: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- st: bioprobit with pweights and clustered standard errors
- st: RE: Re: About cumul command
- st: Multistage demand system
- Re: Re: st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: Re: Returning a p-value for simulation
- st: import from ZDT and ZDA format
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Re: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Re: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- st: Re: About cumul command
- st: Re: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- Re: st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- st: About cumul command
- Re: st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- st: RE: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- Re: st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- RE: st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- st: Returning a p-value for simulation
- Re: st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- Re: st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: Unexpected proportions after survey commands
- Re: st: double hurble
- Re: st: double hurble
- Re: st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: double hurble
- st: Re: Postestimation procedures multiple datasets
- st: Missing standard errors in multinomial logit
- st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: Re: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: Re: Endogeneity test for probit models
- st: Stata thinks files are read-only when they shouldn't be!
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: hausman test after xtlogit fixed and random effects?
- st: Making a Matrix from Three Variables
- st: RE: R: Sources focused on time-varying covariates in survival analysis?
- st: Nested Logit
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- Re: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: R: Sources focused on time-varying covariates in survival analysis?
- st: Sources focused on time-varying covariates in survival analysis?
- st: correlation using data from multiple imputation datasets
- st: AW: question about Heckman and general Heckit models
- st: RE: AW: propensity score analysis
- RE: st: RE: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- st: AW: Univar output into LATEX
- st: question about Heckman and general Heckit models
- st: question about Heckman and general Heckit models
- st: Endogeneity test for probit models
- st: AW: Univar output into LATEX
- st: Univar output into LATEX
- st: xtgls fixed or random effects?
- st: AW: Merging database
- st: AW: mata polyroots issue
- st: RE: AW: RE: AW: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: RE: Splitting string variables without parse strings
- st: RE: Splitting string variables without parse strings
- Re: st: bootstrap test for ineqdeco comparison
- Re: st: Splitting string variables without parse strings
- st: mata polyroots issue
- st: Splitting string variables without parse strings
- Re: st: bootstrap test for ineqdeco comparison
- RE: st: RE: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- st: AW: RE: AW: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: bootstrap test for ineqdeco comparison
- AW: st: RE: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- st: Fitting a two-equation zero-inflated model in GLLAMM
- Re: st: RE: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- st: RE: AW: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- Re: st: AW: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- st: AW: addressing coefficients for residuals variance from xtmixed
- st: addressing coefficients for residuals variance from xtmixed
- Re: st: Class programming in stata.
- st: RE: Class programming in stata.
- st: AW: propensity score analysis
- st: Class programming in stata.
- st: propensity score analysis
- st: MCA (multiple correspondence analysis), identifying groups
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- Re: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: Re: AW: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist
- st: AW: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist
- st: prosterior probability and candisc, classification of groups?
- AW: st: AW: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- st: AW: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist
- AW: st: AW: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- Re: st: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist
- Re: st: AW: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- st: Type mismatch in while and somes issues with statalist
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: re: VAR command with panel data
- RE: st: RE: Re: Using backslash in macros
- RE: st: limited dependent variables
- Re: st: RE: Re: Using backslash in macros
- RE: st: download exlogistic or firthlogit ado files
- st: RE: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- st: Backward or Forward selection of variables in cox regression
- Re: st: RE: Var command with panel data
- RE: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: Re: RE: Re: Using backslash in macros
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: RE: Re: Using backslash in macros
- st: RE: download exlogistic or firthlogit ado files
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: download exlogistic or firthlogit ado files
- st: Var command with panel data
- st: RE: Var command with panel data
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- RE: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: Re: Using backslash in macros
- st: Using backslash in macros
- st: re: download exlogistic or firthlogit ado files
- Re: st: limited dependent variables
- Re: st: limited dependent variables
- st: re: tsset with non-integers
- RE: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: limited dependent variables
- st: download exlogistic or firthlogit ado files
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- RE: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: RE: Why don't my IRs and Cox HRs echo each other?
- Re: st: re: tsset with non-integers
- Re: st: AW: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: AW: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: AW: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- st: Variable estimates from GLST metaregression of observational studies
- st: How to solve this problem when running separate regression using stasby or looping
- Re: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- Re: st: Re: Loop programming
- st: RE: Re: Loop programming
- st: re: tsset with non-integers
- st: Stata package -saswrapper- has been updated on SSC
- st: RE: tsset with non-integers
- st: tsset with non-integers
- st: Re: Loop programming
- st: Re: Loop programming
- Re: st: Threshold regression
- Re: st: Threshold regression
- Re: st: Threshold regression
- Re: st: Threshold regression
- st: Ado Packages for Retrivals of PSID, CNEF and GSOEP available on SSC
- st: Update of sq package
- AW: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- st: Threshold regression
- st: R: RE: Why don't my IRs and Cox HRs echo each other?
- st: Mata - polyroots() issue
- Re: st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- Re: st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- st: RE: Why don't my IRs and Cox HRs echo each other?
- st: RE: Why don't my IRs and Cox HRs echo each other?
- st: Why don't my IRs and Cox HRs echo each other?
- Re: st: using computed values with the immediate command
- st: St: Ordered Logit Question
- Re: st: using computed values with the immediate command
- Re: st: using computed values with the immediate command
- st: RE: AW: Re: AW: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- st: RECALL Re: AW: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- Re: st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- st: AW: Re: AW: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- st: Re: AW: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- st: AW: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- st: RE: Re: -mkspline- reference
- st: prediction after fitting a multi level model with xtmixed
- Re: st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- RE: st: RE: using computed values with the immediate command
- Re: st: RE: using computed values with the immediate command
- st: RE: using computed values with the immediate command
- st: using computed results in an immediate command
- st: using computed values with the immediate command
- st: AW: Question_Heckman-Test_Mills-ratio
- st: Question_Heckman-Test_Mills-ratio
- Re: st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- st: Re: -mkspline- reference
- RE: st: RE: -mkspline- reference
- AW: Re: st: AW: Question about Heckman Test
- RE: Re: st: AW: Question about Heckman Test
- Re: st: RE: -mkspline- reference
- st: movestay with endogenous regressors
- Re: st: RE: -mkspline- reference
- Re: st: weighted population size smaller than sample size?
- st: RE: -mkspline- reference
- st: -mkspline- reference
- st: Re: RE: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- st: RE: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- Re: st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- st: svy: brr and successive replication
- st: AW: Tracing in Stata
- st: Tracing in Stata
- Re: st: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- AW: st: AW: Qestion about Heckman Test
- Re: st: AW: Qestion about Heckman Test
- st: AW: Qestion about Heckman Test
- st: Qestion about Heckman Test
- Re: st: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- Re: st: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- st: RE: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- st: AW: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- st: Stata graphs in LaTeX
- Re: st: Conditional survival analysis with cancer registry data
- st: Conditional survival analysis with cancer registry data
- Re: st: est package
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- st: 15th UK Stata User Meeting
- st: Jackknife and standard error in NEGBIN model
- st: updated version of -rct_minim-
- st: updated version of -sampsi_sccs-
- Re: st: Fast calculation of a generalized hypergeometric probability
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: weighted population size smaller than sample size?
- st: Re: Uniform Confidence Band
- st: Nested Logit
- st: Uniform Confidence Band
- st: RE: turning numbers into dates
- st: RE: an ROC equivalent for continuous variables?
- Re: st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in the graph, using rcspline?
- Re: st: Running STATA on Mac
- Re: st: Running STATA on Mac
- st: Re: Running STATA on Mac
- st: Running STATA on Mac
- st: est package
- RE: st: variable name
- RE: st: variable name
- Re: st: Static vs dynamic panel GMM
- Re: st: Multiple Comparison Tests with Survey Data
- Re: st: Discrete endogenous variables in 2SLS?
- Re: st: RE: logistic problem with observation
- st: AW: logistic problem with observation
- st: RE: logistic problem with observation
- st: RE: logistic problem with observation
- RE: st: variable name
- Re: st: variable name
- st: RE: AW: variable name
- st: logistic problem with observation
- st: AW: variable name
- st: variable name
- RE: st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in the graph, using rcspline?
- Re: st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in the graph, using rcspline?
- st: RE: Happy Star Wars Day
- Re: st: Predicted probabilities after xtlogit
- st: Suzanna Keller is out of the office.
- Re: st: Happy Star Wars Day
- Re: st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in the graph, using rcspline?
- st: Re: st: RE: [iso-8859-1] Fisher´s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed[iso-8859-1] [iso-8859-1] ?
- st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in the graph, using rcspline?
- st: Happy Star Wars Day
- Re: st: placing -xtitle- in a specific location in relation to the scale of the x-axis
- st: AW: Predicted probabilities after xtlogit
- st: Re: placing -xtitle- in a specific location in relation to the scale of the x-axis
- st: Testing the equality of coefficients between unweighted and weighted models
- Re: st: RE: [iso-8859-1] Fisher�s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed
- st: placing -xtitle- in a specific location in relation to the scale of the x-axis
- st: Fast calculation of a generalized hypergeometric probability
- st: weighted population size smaller than sample size?
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: RE: [iso-8859-1] Fisher�s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed[iso-8859-1] [iso-8859-1] ?
- st: Predicted probabilities after xtlogit
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: clustering with a new dataset
- AW: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- st: clustering with a new dataset
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- st: RE: AW: Wald tests of equality of coefficients on opposite sides of the land lease markets
- st: Re: Using 'input' in a while loop
- st: Using 'input' in a while loop
- Re: st: AW: turning numbers into dates
- st: AW: Wald tests of equality of coefficients on opposite sides of the land lease markets
- st: Wald tests of equality of coefficients on opposite sides of the land lease markets
- st: RE: an ROC equivalent for continuous variables?
- st: RE: AW: turning numbers into dates
- st: AW: turning numbers into dates
- [no subject]
- st: an ROC equivalent for continuous variables?
- st: Re: genralized Poisson
- st: RE: Re: turning numbers into dates
- Re:Re: st: help for xtlsdvc / Bias corrected FE
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
- st: Re: turning numbers into dates
- Re: st: turning numbers into dates
- st: turning numbers into dates
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: Re: counter variable
- Re: st: Inequality Restrictions with CLogit
- st: Inequality Restrictions with CLogit
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: re: counter variable
- st: AW: RE: Re: re: counter variable
- st: RE: Re: re: counter variable
- RE: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: re: counter variable
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: help for xtlsdvc / Bias corrected FE
- st: Re: re: counter variable
- st: RE: Re: xtabond2 questions: too many instruments / singular covariance matrix
- st: Re: xtabond2 questions: too many instruments / singular covariance matrix
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: xtabond2 questions: too many instruments / singular covariance matrix
- st: Re: st: RE: Fisher´s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: re: counter variable
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: Counter Variable
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: Counter Variable
- st: help for xtlsdvc / Bias corrected FE
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: Generalized Poisson
- st: Counter Variable
- Re: st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: Re: Difficulty with posting and replying
- st: Difficulty with posting and replying
- Re: st: clustering on string similarity
- st: Re: st: RE: Fisher´s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed[iso-8859-1] ?
- st: RE: Fisher´s exact test for rxc [2X2] tables: one-tailed or two-tailed[iso-8859-1] ?
- RE: st: SVY: tab with three variables
- st: Re: drop conditioning on 2 different variables
- Re: st: drop conditioning on 2 different variables
- Re: st: Re: multiple imputation and survival analysis
- st: drop conditioning on 2 different variables
- st: General Advice on robust standard errors for event study models with multiple dummy variables
- st: clustering on string similarity
- st: Re: multiple imputation and survival analysis
- st: multiple imputation and survival analysis
- Re: st: SVY: tab with three variables
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: SVY: tab with three variables
- Re: st: SVY: tab with three variables
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- Re: st: RE: looping over local macro
- st: SVY: tab with three variables
- st: RE: looping over local macro
- st: RE: looping over local macro
- st: Re: looping over local macro
- st: Re: looping over local macro
- st: looping over local macro
- st: [Fwd: Heteroskedastic probit]
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- RE: st: Re: negative haumsan test statistics
- st: [iso-8859-1] Fisher�s exact test for rxc tables: one-tailed or two-ta iled[iso-8859-1] ?
- Re: st: Re: negative haumsan test statistics
- Re: st: Re: Calculate beta values for mim results
- st: RE: Re: RE: Re: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: Re: RE: Re: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: SSC Archive activity, April 2009
- RE: st: Changing the suffix on variable names
- Re: st: Changing the suffix on variable names
- Re: st: Re: negative haumsan test statistics
- Re: st: Changing the suffix on variable names
- Re: st: AW: nharvey with no critical value
- Re: st: Re: negative haumsan test statistics
- st: RE: Re: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: Re: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: Re: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: Changing the suffix on variable names
- st: Re: negative haumsan test statistics
- st: negative haumsan test statistics
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