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Re: st: RE: Covariates in ANOVAs
xi3 is not recommended for the following commands:
"Note: xi3 is not compatible with the following Stata commands:
xtmixed, xtmelogit or xtmepoisson."
Furthermore, ATS UCLS is no longer supporting this command, and passed
off to -desmat-.
If Stata would just expand xi's capabilities, we could be happier.
On May 14, 2009, at 10:48 PM, Joseph Coveney wrote:
Miss Gina Micke wrote:
I would like to know how to control for an independent continuous
variable when
using a repeated measures ANOVA. I have a 2x2 factorial design
experiment with
males and females in each of the treatment groups (T1 & T2) measured
at multiple
"events", each subject assigned an "id". The subjects are all
different ages so
I would like to be able to control for the effect of "age range".
If I didn't have "age range" as a covariate my model would be as
anova x T1 T2 sex T1*T2 T1*sex T2*sex T1*T2*sex/id|T1*event T2*event
sex*event sex*T1*event sex*T2*event T1*T2*sex*event, repeated(event)
Do I use the ANCOVA and cont(age range) command? Is this output the
effects of
my fixed factors taking into account the effect of age range?
First, the command line text shown doesn't look at all like correct
Second, by the name of it, a variable called "age range" would be
and so you would not be using the -continuous()- option for it in -
Unless you have balanced data (equal representation of age ranges
within each
factorial cell, as well as equal sex-by-treatment group cell sizes
throughout the observation period), try something like the following
to start
xi3 i.treatment_group*i.age_group*i.sex*i.observation_interval
xtmixed response _I* || patient_id: , nolrtest variance reml
You'll need to install the user-written command, -xi3-, from SSC if
you haven't
Joseph Coveney
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