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Re: st: IPF troubles

From   Tirthankar Chakravarty <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: IPF troubles
Date   Fri, 15 May 2009 16:27:47 +0100

I will try to figure out why it doesn't work for you. My output is below:

************************* Output ***********************************
. clear

. input str6 gender str8 party wgt

        gender      party        wgt
  1. male democrat 55
  2. male repub 65
  3. female democrat 50
  4. female repub 30
  5. end

. encode gender, gen(numgender)

. encode party, gen(numparty)

. ipf [fweight = wgt], fit(numgender + numparty)
Deleting all matrices......

Expansion of the various marginal models
marginal model 1 varlist :  numgender
marginal model 2 varlist :  numparty
unique varlist  numgender numparty

N.B.  structural/sampling zeroes may lead to an incorrect df
Residual degrees of freedom = 1
Number of parameters        = 3
Number of cells             = 4

Loglikelihood = 586.68180806674
Loglikelihood = 586.68180806674

Goodness of Fit Tests
df = 1
Likelihood Ratio Statistic G² =   5.3875 p-value = 0.020
Pearson Statistic          X² =   5.3467 p-value = 0.021

By the by,  do:

. which ipf
*! Date    : 1 Nov 2006
*! Version : 1.38
*! Author  : Adrian Mander
*! Email   : [email protected]
*! Iterative proportional fitting in contingency tables


2009/5/15 Andrew Criswell <[email protected]>:
> Hello T
> I copied and pasted your code but this is what I got...
> . clear
> . input str6 gender str8 party wgt
>        gender      party        wgt
>  1. male democrat 55
>  2. male repub 65
>  3. female democrat 50
>  4. female repub 30
>  5. end
> . encode gender, gen(numgender)
> . encode party, gen(numparty)
> . ipf [fweight = wgt], fit(numgender + numparty)
> Deleting all matrices......
> Expansion of the various marginal models
> ----------------------------------------
> marginal model 1 varlist :  numgender
> marginal model 2 varlist :  numparty
> invalid syntax
> r(198);
> On 5/15/09, Tirthankar Chakravarty <[email protected]> wrote:
>> It does work:
>> /* begin */
>> clear
>> input str6 gender str8 party wgt
>> male democrat 55
>> male repub 65
>> female democrat 50
>> female repub 30
>> end
>> encode gender, gen(numgender)
>> encode party, gen(numparty)
>> ipf [fweight = wgt], fit(numgender + numparty)
>> /* end */
>> T
>> On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Adrian Mander
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Hi Andrew,
>>> IPF requires that the gender and party variables need to be numeric.
>>> I shall tighten up this code but in the mean time use numbers for gender
>>> and
>>> party and it should work
>>> cheers
>>> Ade
>>> Andrew Criswell wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> This seems like a straight forward example. But I don't understand why
>>>> it fails. I am using version 10.1
>>>> input str6 gender str8 party wgt
>>>> gender party wgt
>>>> male democrat 55
>>>> male repub 65
>>>> female democrat 50
>>>> female repub 30
>>>> end
>>>> . ipf [fweight = wgt], fit(gender + party)
>>>> Deleting all matrices......
>>>> Expansion of the various marginal models
>>>> ----------------------------------------
>>>> marginal model 1 varlist :  gender
>>>> marginal model 2 varlist :  party
>>>> type mismatch
>>>> r(109);
>>>> end of do-file
>>>> r(109);
>>>> .
>>> --
>>> Dr Adrian Mander
>>> Leader of Cambridge Hub in Trials Methodology Research
>>> MRC Biostatistics Unit    Institute of Public Health University Forvie
>>> Site
>>>    Cambridge CB2 0SR
>>> Tel: 01223 330370       Fax: 01223 330365
>>> *
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>>> *
>> --
>> To every ω-consistent recursive class κ of formulae there correspond
>> recursive class signs r, such that neither v Gen r nor Neg(v Gen r)
>> belongs to Flg(κ) (where v is the free variable of r).
>> *
>> *   For searches and help try:
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>> *
> --
> Andrew Criswell, Ph.D.
> Graduate School
> Bangkok University
> *
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> *

To every ω-consistent recursive class κ of formulae there correspond
recursive class signs r, such that neither v Gen r nor Neg(v Gen r)
belongs to Flg(κ) (where v is the free variable of r).

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