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Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)

From   Scott Merryman <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: graph hbox Y, by(something noiyaxes) over(grp2) over(grp1)
Date   Mon, 4 May 2009 06:35:36 -0500

As Martin pointed out, I recorded the graph editor changes (-help
graph_editor-) and then used the .grec files to retrieve the commands.

I believe I learned about -gr_edit- on Statalist from Michael Blasnik

Nick, after providing needed commentary to my reply, asked "An open
question is whether there is another way to do it via the command
language " (

This can be done by fixing the size of the graphs with the -fxsize()-
option (-help graph combine-) since the graphs will be of unequal size
due to the labels of the first graph.


clear all
sysuse auto
set scheme lean1
egen PriceCat=cut(price), at(3000 6000 16000)

graph hbox turn if P == 3000, over(head) over(fore) fxsize(100)
ytitle("") t1(3000) name(gr2,replace)
graph hbox turn if P == 6000, over(head, label(nolabel))
over(fore,label(nolabel)) ytitle("") fxsize(75) t1(6000)
graph combine gr2 gr3, row(1) imargin(zero) b1(Turn Circle(ft.))


On Sun, May 3, 2009 at 9:56 AM, Jacob Wegelin <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Scott:
> Thank you for this solution. But does the graph editor generate text
> commands that I can retrieve and put into a do-file, the same way that
> Stata's point-and-click interface generates text commands?
> How did you discover the - gr_edit - commands that you provide below?
> - help gr_edit - produces nothing in Stata 10.1 for Macintosh.
> Jake
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