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st: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?

From   John LeBlanc <[email protected]>
To   STATA Listserv <[email protected]>
Subject   st: FITINT: does it test all two-way interactions simultaneously?
Date   Tue, 19 May 2009 12:34:19 -0300


I have an ologit model with 8 predictor variables and fortunately a large dataset. I'm using fitint to see if there are any interesting two-way interactions among the 28 possibilities. Does fitint put all 28 in simultaneously or does it (I hope) test them one by one?

by the way, what is the purpose of the factors option? At this point, I'm simply copying all dependent variables into both factors() & twoway(). I can't figure this out from the .hlp file.


Regards, John LeBlanc


John C. LeBlanc, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Associate Professor

Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Community Health and Epidemiology

Dalhousie University

IWK Health Centre              Work phone: (902) 470-8930

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