Dear all,
yesterday I stumbled across the following on an up-to-date Stata 10.1:
sysuse auto, clear
collapse price, by(rep78)
twoway (bar price rep78 if rep78 < 3, barwidth(0.8)) ///
(bar price rep78 if rep78 >= 3, lpattern(dash) lcolor(black) ///
fcolor(white) lwidth(medthick) barwidth(0.8))
On my machine, only the legend for the white bars has a dashed
outline, not the actual bars on the graph itself. It's the same for
any other pattern.
On the other hand,
graph bar (asis) price, over(rep78) bargap(0.2) bar(1, fcolor(white) ///
lcolor(black) lwidth(medthick) lpattern(dash))
produces bars with a dashed outline.
Have I missed something very basic here?
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