--- On Fri, 22/5/09, Hugh Robinson wrote:
> I had stset the data using date as the time variable.
> stset date1, id(lion_id) failure(event==3) enter(event==1)
> origin (time d(01Jan1998)) exit(time d(01Jan2007))
> Group 1 is part of the analysis from Jan 1 2001 to Jan 1
> 2005 Group 2 Jan 1 2005 to Jan 1 2007.
> Are you suggesting I add a new time variable for each
> group? Can I do that with stsplit?
No, in your case, the lions become at risk in either
02Jan2005 or 01Jan2007, so if your way of setting the
data makes that happen then you are fine.
Whether that is what happens in your case I can't see, that
depends on the structure of your data, and in particular if
the event variable correctly specifies when a lion becomes
at risk.
-- Maarten
Maarten L. Buis
Institut fuer Soziologie
Universitaet Tuebingen
Wilhelmstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
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