No, the clusters are resampled as a whole. That's how it should be
done, at the very minimum, although the issue is far more complicated:
the variance estimates are still biased unless you do some extra work.
See the following references:,, (although the
authors of the latter paper are totally unaware that this issue has
been studied in survey statistics literature for at least 20 years).
On 5/13/09, Gianluca Cafiso <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> I am facing again the lack of Stata manuals...
> When the "cluster" option in the "bootstrap" command is specified, how is
> the resampling implemented?
> My guess is that resampling occurs only within clusters. Namely, that given
> N observed data which constitute the sampe and r clusters in which the N
> observations are grouped, r simultaneous resamplings occur (each B times,
> number of replications specified) where the resampling for the rth cluster
> uses only observations which are included in the cluster. Am I right?
> Many thanks for any contribution on this.
> (any reference on this is very apprecciated as well)
> ___________________________________________________________
> Gianluca Cafiso
> Research Fellow, Economics Department-University of Catania.
> Corso Italia 55, Catania, Italy.
> e-mail: [email protected]
> tel.: +39 0957537745
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Università di Catania - C.E.A.
> Servizio di Posta Elettronica
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