Dear Nick:
thank you very much for your kindness. It will be wonderful if you find the
way to get just in one command both the position (-showknots-) and the
values (-display- as in -mkspline...,dis-).
I used your orientation with some tweaks:
sysuse auto, clear
mkspline weight_ = weight,cubic nk(3) dis
rcspline mpg weight, showknots xlab( [values for x axis in general ]
[values of knots from display])
Best regards,
José Maria
Jose Maria Pacheco de Souza, Professor Titular (aposentado)
Departamento de Epidemiologia/Faculdade de Saude Publica, USP
Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 715
01246-904 - S. Paulo/SP - Brasil
fones (11)3061-7747; (11)3768-8612
fax (11)3714-2403
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: RE: st: how do I get the knot values and show them (as xlab?) in
the graph, using rcspline?
-rcspline- is on SSC.
Maarten is right, but his suggestion does not answer all of José Maria's
question. A user might reasonably want to see the numerical values.
-rcspline- is not r-class, but the r-class results left behind
by -mkspline, cubic- which -rcspline- calls are zapped by other
programs -rcspline- calls, and so they are not visible to the user after
it has finished.
I'll think about adding something to do this to the program: there are
various possibilities. But running -mkspline, cubic- with equivalent
options will leave the values in r(knots).
sysuse auto, clear
rcspline mpg weight, showknots
mkspline weight_ = weight, cubic
. mat li r(knots)
knot1 knot2 knot3 knot4 knot5
weight 1930 2336.25 3190 3518.75 4130
[email protected]
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