Hi All,
I have the following longitudinal data :
id d_entry d_censor status age x2
1 20jan2008 22jan 2008 0 62 0
1 22jan 2008 24jan 2008 0 62 0
1 24jan 2008 26jan 2008 0 62 1
1 26jan 2008 28jan 2008 1 62 0
2 13jan 2008 18jan 2008 0 70 0
2 18jan 2008 20jan 2008 0 70 1
2 20jan 2008 24jan 2008 0 70 0
2 24jan 2008 26jan 2008 1 70 1
Here id is patient id number, d_entry is the date of entry, d_censor
is the date of censoring, status is the censoring variable, age is
fixed for each id, x2 changes with time for each id.
First I stset the above mentioned data by using the following command:
stset d_censor, id(id) failure (status==1) origin (time d_entry)
Now I want to get a Kaplan meier graph . I know if there is one event per
id, then sts graph can be used.
But in recurrent event models, what command should be used?
Thanks for your consideration.
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