Add option -exclude0-.
Thomas J. Steichen
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Peter Goff
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 2:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Bar Graph Lower Bound
I have, what should be, a fairly simple inquiry. I'm graphing a set of
bar charts show the average results from a survey. The survey is a
likert scale, with values from 1-5. Its misleading to present the
graph from 0-5, but I can't force Stata to restrict the lower bound
the of the graph. I've used the following sub-options:
ylabel(1(1)5) ///
yscale(range(1 5)) ///
ymtick(1(0.5)5, grid)
I have also set "if" statements in my code graphing only if the values
are > 1 (which all are, of course). Zero is always included as a lower
bound. How should I fix this? (The whole graph command is below if
levelsof prinid, local(prin)
foreach x in `prin' {
foreach b in core process {
if "`b'" == "core" {
local b1 "Core Components"
if "`b'" == "process" {
local b1 "Key Processes"
use questions, replace
keep if prinid == `x'
graph bar q_mean q_prin district_mean, ///
legend(order (1 "Teacher Mean" 2 "Prinicpal" 3 "District Mean")) ///
title("Prinicpal `x'") ///
subtitle("`b1'") ///
bar(1, fcolor(gs12) ///
lcolor(blue) ///
lwidth(vthin) ///
lpattern(dash_dot)) ///
bar(2, fcolor(white) ///
lcolor(dkgreen) ///
lwidth(vthin)) ///
bar(3, fcolor(gs1) ///
lcolor(brown) ///
lwidth(vthin)) ///
ylabel(1(1)5) ///
yscale(range(1 5)) ///
ymtick(1(0.5)5, grid)
graph export "/Users/ptgoff101/Documents/Principal Study/Coaching
Data/`b1'/`b'_`x'.png", replace
graph save "/Users/ptgoff101/Documents/Principal Study/Coaching Data/
`b1'/`b'_`x'.gph", replace
Peter Trabert Goff
PhD student
Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations
Vanderbilt University
Peabody #514
230 Appleton Place
Nashville, TN 37203-5721
Tel. 615-415-7844
Fax. 615-322-6596
[email protected]
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