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st: correlation using data from multiple imputation datasets

From   Jessica Schumacher <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: correlation using data from multiple imputation datasets
Date   Fri, 08 May 2009 12:17:51 -0500

I read with interest the 7/13/08 post re: correlation using data from multiple imputation datasets (-ice-)
It makes sense to me that with 2 continuous variables, a work-around would be to standardize the dependent and independent variables, then use the mim module to run the regression (taking advantage of the fact that the regression coefficient in a bivariate regression is the correlation if you standardize both the IV & DV).  Is there a similar workaround if one wishes to instead correlate dichotomous and continuous variables (point-biserial correlation) or dichotomous variables (tetrachoric correlation)?
Thank you

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