If the data have been -tsset id schlyr- and -tsspell- has been
downloaded from SSC then
tsspell, fcond(newprinc == 1)
is enough. This creates three new variables, of which _seq is the
counter desired.
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
You have to hand it to all contributors here, though, that this is not
everyday, apply-bysort-straightforwardly-and-look-at-Nick`s-column-
in -the-SJ-carefully problem (see
http://www.stata-journal.com/sjpdf.html?articlenum=pr0004). The fact
you want this thing sorted, but not counted, by schoolyear and counted,
not sorted, by the new dummy, makes this quite involved, and despite my
effort, I cannot find a one liner for it that does not make extensive
of -cond-. So kudos to Eva for her two liner :-)
"Kit Baum" <[email protected]>
><> T suggested
> g newvar = 1 if new_prc==1
> bys Id (schlyr): replace newvar = newvar[_n-1]+1 if newvar !=1
> This sounds to me like a generally bad idea. The first statement just
> changes the new_prc zero values into missing values. The second
> relies upon the fact that missing is a value not equal to 1. Although
> logic works, I think Eva's suggested approach is a better way to
> about a problem like this (although I deplore her reliance on -set
> varabbrev on-, which is IMHO a Very Bad Idea).
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