Statalist archive (ordered by date)
(last updated Wed Oct 31 22:00:14 2007)
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- st: Small Area Estimation
- Re: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materialsbe available?
- Re: st: from long to wide
- Re: st: dictionary file
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- st: dictionary file
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- Re: st: Why do some observations fail to be stored when I use a loopwith
- Re: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- Re: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- RE: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- RE: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materials be available?
- Re: st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- st: misaligned labels when spanning multiple lines
- st: Test of ordered probit vs ordinary probits
- st: creating differences when time periods are misssing
- Re: st: Log file named as do file
- Re: st: Log file named as do file
- Re: Re: Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: Re: st: new problem with table display
- st: Log file named as do file
- Re: Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: fixed effects estimations and dummies identification
- Re: st: quantile regression for panel data
- st: update to -nharvey-
- Re: st: Help please re Ocratio
- Re: st: suppressing constant in qreg
- Re: st: suppressing constant in qreg
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: from long to wide
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: suppressing constant in qreg
- Re: st: suppressing constant in qreg
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: from long to wide
- st: suppressing constant in qreg
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: Help please re Ocratio
- Re: st: from long to wide
- Re: st: from long to wide
- st: from long to wide
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: lrtest is not appropriate with survey estimation results
- st: AW: lrtest is not appropriate with survey estimation results
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- st: lrtest is not appropriate with survey estimation results
- Re: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materials be available?
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- st: quantile regression for panel data
- Re: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materialsbe available?
- Re: st: new problem with table display
- st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materials be available?
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: RE: return results from dstdize
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- Re: st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- st: RE: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- st: Gof for ologit/oprobit
- st: fixed effects estimations and dummies identification
- RE: st: question about nl (nonlinear) estimation with panel data
- Re: st: SV: -spineplot- available from SSC
- Re: st: Splitting Observations if Ties are Present
- st: Splitting Observations if Ties are Present
- st: SV: -spineplot- available from SSC
- Re: st: question about nl (nonlinear) estimation with paneldata
- [no subject]
- st: RE: overid
- Re: st: rrr interpretation
- Re: st: rrr interpretation
- Re: st: Large differences between standard errors with and without clustering
- Re: st: rrr interpretation
- st: -rollreg- and memory problems
- RE: st: Analysing overlapping intervals
- st: instrumentation equation with NLSUR
- st: new problem with table display
- st: unbalanced panel data with heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- Re: st: Analysing overlapping intervals
- st: rrr interpretation
- RE: st: re: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- st: Analysing overlapping intervals
- st: new problem with table display
- Re: st: spine plots, mosaic plots and Escher(s)
- Re: st: Large differences between standard errors with and without clustering
- st: question about nl (nonlinear) estimation with panel data
- st: Large differences between standard errors with and without clustering
- Re: st: re: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- Re: st: Help please re Ocratio
- st: overid
- Re: st: Help please re Ocratio
- st: Help please re Ocratio
- st: re: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- st: re: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- st: RGB values of standard Stata colours
- Re: st: RE: return results from dstdize
- st: RE: return results from dstdize
- Re: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- RE: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- Re: st: -clogit-, -asclogit- and marginal effects
- st: generating time for correlated competing events
- Re: st: problems with Murphy-Topel
- st: Update to -estout- available from SSC (-esttab- bugfix)
- Re: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- st: problems with Murphy-Topel
- Re: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- Re: st: Difference in models
- Re: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- st: Difference in models
- Re: st: -clogit-, -asclogit- and marginal effects
- Re: st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- st: variable names from variable window to command window (and cutting from the command window)
- R: st: metan updated (is it downloadable for Stata 9.2/SE??)
- Re: st: metan updated (is it downloadable for Stata 9.2/SE??)
- st: metan updated (is it downloadable for Stata 9.2/SE??)
- Re: st: artifacts after merge
- st: metan updated
- st: R: spine plots, mosaic plots and Escher(s)
- st: spine plots, mosaic plots and Escher(s)
- Re: st: artifacts after merge
- st: return results from dstdize
- st: help to create a constant price variable (UK firm data)
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- st: artifacts after merge
- Re: st: Date calculation
- Re: st: Storing estimates from selmlog to apply oaxaca decomposition
- st: Storing estimates from selmlog to apply oaxaca decomposition
- st: Can I repeatedly sample with constraints from an unbalanced data set to balance it?
- st: frailty in parametric models
- Re: st: Why do some observations fail to be stored when I use a loopwith
- st: -spineplot- available from SSC
- st: -clogit-, -asclogit- and marginal effects
- st: xtabond2 and instruments (HELP)
- st: Why do some observations fail to be stored when I use a loop with more than 200 observations
- st: How to output results of a program in single-spaced text
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- Re: st: Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 16:42:05 +0100
- R: st: Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 16:42:05 +0100
- st: Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 16:42:05 +0100
- Re: st: N visits per patient
- st: N visits per patient
- st: re: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation
- st: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation
- Re: st: endogenous count explanatory variable in panel
- Re: st: random effects and test of correlation of residuals
- Re: st: Stratified categorical matched analysis
- Re: st: pooled model regression and tests of heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- Re: st: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation and stata version 9.0
- Re: st: Date calculation
- Re: st: Date calculation
- Re: st: R: Can I repeatedly sample with constraints from an unbalanced data set to balance it?
- Re: st: Date calculation
- Re: st: Date calculation
- Re: st: Date calculation
- st: Date calculation
- Re: st: stacking horizontal data
- st: stacking horizontal data
- st: R: Can I repeatedly sample with constraints from an unbalanced data set to balance it?
- st: Can I repeatedly sample with constraints from an unbalanced data set to balance it?
- st: egen, cut and labels
- st: egen, cut and labels
- st: Update to -mixlogit- available from SSC
- Re: st: Stratified categorical matched analysis
- Re: st: How to output results of a program in single-spaced text
- re: st: pwd and graph use bug
- st: How to output results of a program in single-spaced text
- st: pwd and graph use bug
- Re: st: How to output results of a program in single-spaced text
- st: cannot edit graph named cells with graph editor (bug)
- st: How to output results of a program in single-spaced text
- st: endogenous count explanatory variable in panel
- Re: st: Strange behavior from conditional logistic - bug?
- Re: st: Re: Need someone to teach short courses
- RE: st: conditional logistic
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- st: Re: Need someone to teach short courses
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- st: Infile errors
- Re: st: estout and likelihood ratio test
- Re: st: A question about -esttab-
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- Re: st: RE: date function
- Re: st: graph added text behaving strangely
- Re: st: Strange behavior from conditional logistic - bug?
- Re: st: Strange behavior from conditional logistic - bug?
- Re: st: RE: date function
- RE: st: RE: date function
- Re: st: RE: date function
- st: graph added text behaving strangely
- st: RE: date function
- RE: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- st: date function
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: Strange behavior from conditional logistic - bug?
- RE: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- RE: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- RE: st: Gen & replace commands
- Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
- RE: st: Gen & replace commands
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
- st: R: RE: Running different running sums
- st: RE: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation and stata version 9.0
- RE: st: Gen & replace commands
- st: RE: Running different running sums
- Re: st: Gen & replace commands
- st: R: Gen & replace commands
- st: Running different running sums
- st: RE: Gen & replace commands
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- st: Gen & replace commands
- Re: st: How does one export Mata matrices to Stata matrix language matrices?
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- st: random effects and test of correlation of residuals
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- RE: st: How to generate a cumulative sum (capital stock)
- RE: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- st: pooled model regression and tests of heteroskedasticity and correlation of residuals
- st: overidentification test for Hausman-Taylor estimation and stata version 9.0
- st: =?UTF-8?Q?robust_PCA?=
- st: RE: Stimeofday command problem
- st: Strange behavior from conditional logistic - bug?
- Re: st: A question about -esttab-
- Re: st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- st: Stratified categorical matched analysis
- st: Stimeofday command problem
- Re: st: A question about -esttab-
- Re: st: ARTSURV
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- st: re: How does one export Mata matrices to Stata matrix language matrices?
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- [no subject]
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum (capital stock)
- st: A question about -esttab-
- [no subject]
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- st: How does one export Mata matrices to Stata matrix language matrices?
- R: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
- st: Create variables summarizing for each individual properties of the other members of a group
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- st: Mata: I/O question
- Re: st: Small bug with variable names in xtpoisson
- Re: st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- Re: Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- st: =?UTF-8?Q?hadimvo_collinearity?=
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- RE: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
- Re: st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- st: pweights in summarize / describe / codebook
- Re: st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- Re: st: re: question about Mata programming
- Re: Re: st: Q about programming in mata re. syntax
- Re: Re: st: Q about programming in mata re. syntax
- st: Small bug with variable names in xtpoisson
- Re: st: Q about programming in mata re. syntax
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: How to generate a cumulative sum (capital stock)
- Re: Re: st: -rcspline- available on SSC
- Re: st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
- st: How to generate a cumulative sum
- Re: st: Re: date format
- st: How to generate a cumulative sum (capital stock)
- Re: st: Q about programming in mata re. syntax
- Re: st: Data Corruption?
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- Re: st: re: question about Mata programming
- Thank you Nick! (re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum))
- st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
- st: re: question about Mata programming
- st: re: question about Mata programming
- Re: st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- st: problem with .png graph export in Stata 10
- st: Re: date format
- date format YYYYMMDD (was st: p value precision in clogit output)
- Re: st: estout and likelihood ratio test
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- st: estout and likelihood ratio test
- RE: st: p value precision in clogit output
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- RE: st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- Re: st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- Re: st: conditional logistic
- Re: st: Order variables alphabetically, not like -aorder-
- st: (Il)Legal variable/macro names?
- RE: st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- st: Q about programming in mata re. syntax
- Re: st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- st: reverse prediction - confidence interval for x at given y in nonlinear model
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: st: -rcspline- available on SSC
- Re: st: re: how to create help files with bold and coloured characters
- Re: st: Re: creating mean across panel variables
- st: re: how to create help files with bold and coloured characters
- st: How to create help files with bold and coloured characters?
- Re: st: Data Corruption?
- Re: st: Order variables alphabetically, not like -aorder-
- st: Order variables alphabetically, not like -aorder-
- st: Stata and Mac OS X 10.5
- Re: st: Table of results
- Re: st: Table of results
- st: -rcspline- available on SSC
- Re: st: Difference-in-difference regression models
- Re: st: Data Corruption?
- st: re: why option robust and cluster doesn't work
- Re: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- Re: st: Table of results
- Re: st: Time without date
- Re: st: Difference-in-difference regression models
- Re: st: random-coefficient multinomial regression
- st: Reconciling xtabond2 and DPD98
- Re: st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- Re: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- Re: Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: st: random-coefficient multinomial regression
- Re: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- Re: st: Table of results
- st: random-coefficient multinomial regression
- Re: st: Difference-in-difference regression models
- Re: Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: st: clustering in proportional hazards models with stata/mp 10.0 - conditional logistic
- Re: st: Re: doeditor run and do icons
- st: Table of results
- Re: st: Re: doeditor run and do icons
- st: Re: creating mean across panel variables
- st: Re: doeditor run and do icons
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: st: R: Data =?UTF-8?B?Q29ycnVwdGlvbj8=?=
- st: R: Data Corruption?
- R: R: st: How to perform a productory (running product)
- Re: st: Data Corruption?
- Re: st: Float or Double?
- Re: st: Repeated Measures Manova contrasts
- st: puzzling suest test of coefficients across equations
- st: Creating Mean across panel variables
- st: Float or Double?
- st: Data Corruption?
- st: WCSUG meeting is ON
- st: RE: Time without date
- st: Time without date
- st: Difference-in-difference regression models
- Re: st: HELP, please: sample splittings overlapped
- Re: Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- Re: st: genhw error
- Re: re: st: genhw error
- st: doeditor run and do icons
- st: HELP, please: sample splittings overlapped
- Re: st: Repeated Measures Manova contrasts
- Re: R: st: How to perform a productory (running product)
- Re: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- RE: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- st: Repeated Measures Manova contrasts
- st: permute xtmixed
- st: adjusted mean by group
- RE: st: Zero-inflated binomial regression
- Re: st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- Re: st: Sample size determination in survival analysis
- re: st: genhw error
- Re: st: Help with age adjustment
- Re: st: Zero-inflated binomial regression
- st: Zero-inflated binomial regression
- st: Help with age adjustment
- st: Problem with stset and sttocc
- st: adjusted means
- Re: st: Sample size determination in survival analysis
- R: st: How to perform a productory (running product)
- RE: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- st: Opinions requested on an interaction panel regression
- Re: st: fixed and random effect model
- st: Sample size determination in survival analysis
- st: genhw error
- Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- Re: st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?
- Re: st: How to perform a productory
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- Re: st: How to perform a productory
- R: st: How to perform a productory
- Re: st: fdasave question
- Re: st: fdasave question
- Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- Re: st: How to perform a productory
- Re: st: fdasave question
- Re: st: permute xtmixed
- Re: RE: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: RE: Hausman test
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- R: st: How to perform a productory
- st: fdasave question
- st: permute xtmixed
- Re: st: Stata 10SE crashes on Windows Vista 64-bit
- Re: st: How to perform a productory
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- Re: st: Quantile regression
- Re: st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- st: Quantile regression
- st: preserving missing values in collapse (sum)
- st: fixed and random effect model
- st: Hausman test
- Re: st: how to create dummy for unique values across variables
- Re: Re: st: -mean- over id, save to a new dta, then variance matrix
- Re: st: Hausman Taylor Estimation in an Unbalanced panel
- st: How to perform a productory
- st: help- overlapped sample splittings
- Re: st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?
- st: how to create dummy for unique values across variables
- Re: Re: st: Queries about dfl
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- st: fixed effect and random effect models
- Re: st: esta: how to stratify model types in rows
- st: Stata 10SE crashes on Windows Vista 64-bit
- Re: st: esta: how to display ci AND se
- Re: st: re: trouble with Mata module from ssc
- Re: st: esto: can it store exponentiated coefficients?
- st: esta: how to stratify model types in rows
- st: esta: how to display ci AND se
- Re: st: Queries about dfl
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- st: re: trouble with Mata module from ssc
- Re: st: discrete dep var in OLS and implications for goodness-of-fit
- Re: st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?
- Re: st: Problem with statsby and correlate
- st: discrete dep var in OLS and implications for goodness-of-fit
- Re: st: how to create a new column
- Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- st: how to create a new column
- Re: RE: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- Re: Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
- RE: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- st: Problem with statsby and correlate
- st: Using adofiles from Stata 10 in Stata 8?
- Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- Re: st: How to specify optional options and required options in a simple program
- st: How to specify optional options and required options in a simple program
- st: -qvf- : endogeneity and negative binomial model
- st: Trouble with Mata module from ssc
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- RE: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- st: RE: Appropriate parametric and nonparametric test
- Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- Re: st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- Re: st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- st: Why option "robust" and "cluster" doesn't work?
- Re: st: esto: can it store exponentiated coefficients?
- st: esto: can it store exponentiated coefficients?
- st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- st: cycling paired t test (and signed rank sum test)
- Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
- Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
- Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
- st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
- Re: st: Logit with standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity
- st: Logit with standard errors adjusted for heteroscedasticity
- st: -mixlogit- module available from SSC
- st: More than 3g of memory
- Re: st: Appropriate parametric and nonparametric test
- RE: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- RE: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- st: Appropriate parametric and nonparametric test
- Re: st: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: puzzling sqreg behavior, possible solution
- Re: st: puzzling sqreg behavior, possible solution
- RE: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- st: puzzling sqreg behavior, possible solution
- st: puzzling sqreg behavior
- [no subject]
- st: Re:reg of y on moving average of x at t
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- RE: st: RE: distance calculation and reshape
- st: reg of y on moving average of x at t
- [no subject]
- Re: st: cross-sectional (retarded) averages
- Re: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- st: rundolines with semicolon as command delimiter
- Re: st: cross-sectional (retarded) averages
- Re: st: Before and After Pairwise Plots
- Re: st: CI for adjusted mean
- RE: st: Before and After Pairwise Plots
- Re: st: weighted scatter / different label size
- Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- st: CI for adjusted mean
- Re: Re: st: re: interaction of column matrix
- Re: st: weighted scatter / different label size
- Re: st: weighted scatter / different label size
- Re: Re: st: re: interaction of column matrix
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- Re: st: weighted scatter / different label size
- Re: st: weighted scatter / different label size
- Re: st: Integrating Graphs and Output into single file
- Re: st: RE: distance calculation and reshape
- Re: st: RE: -mfx compute, force- not reporting se in -estout-
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- Re: st: Re: Overall title on bygraphs
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: Overall title on bygraphs
- Re: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- st: Re: Overall title on bygraphs
- st: weighted scatter / different label size
- st: Overall title on bygraphs
- Re: st: specifying linear mixed-effects covariance structure
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- RE: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- Re: st: re: interaction of column matrix
- st: specifying linear mixed-effects covariance structure
- st: RE: distance calculation and reshape
- st: SAS SAS7BDAT file into Stata9
- st: Before and After Pairwise Plots
- st: re: interaction of column matrix
- RE: st: missing t statistics
- Re: st: mata: interaction of column matrix
- Re: st: missing t statistics
- Re: st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- st: STATA10SE : weird problem with Boxplots
- st: missing t statistics
- Re: st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- st: RE: allocating more memory to stata 10
- RE: st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- st: cross-sectional (retarded) averages
- Re: st: Dual Boot XP32 & Linux?
- Re: st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- RE: st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- Re: st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- st: RE: Dual Boot XP32 & Linux?
- st: RE: Dual Boot XP32 & Linux?
- st: help needed on discrete-time hazard model
- st: Dual Boot XP32 & Linux?
- RE: st: How to merge those files
- Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- st: Importing selected variables from large dataset
- Re: st: How to merge those files
- st: Updated -xml_tab- on SSC
- Re: st: RE: kernreg1
- Re: st: RE: -mfx compute, force- not reporting se in -estout-
- Re: st: -mean- over id, save to a new dta, then variance matrix
- Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
- Re: st: How to merge those files
- st: -vreverse- updated on SSC
- st: RE: Replace based on 1 word in middle of a sentence?
- st: Replace based on 1 word in middle of a sentence?
- st: Graph export: Greek symbols in eps
- st: How to merge those files
- st: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- st: new estimation command for mixed, multi-eq probit, tobit, continuous
- Re: st: Test for trend for SIR
- Re: st: Test for trend for SIR
- st: &Agr;&Pgr;: -mean- over id, save to a new dta, then variance matrix
- st: mata: interaction of column matrix
- st: Re: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- Re: st: RE: -mfx compute, force- not reporting se in -estout-
- st: -mean- over id, save to a new dta, then variance matrix
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- Re: st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- st: episode splitting_event history analysis
- st: episode splitting_event history analysis
- st: RE: allocating more memory in stata 10
- Re: st: Usage of "?" sign?
- st: RE: allocating more memory in stata 10
- st: finding non-numeric characters before I can destring
- st: Usage of "?" sign?
- Re: st: Positive log likelihoods in xtmixed models
- RE: st: Positive log likelihoods in xtmixed models
- st: allocating more memory in stata 10
- st: SUR and unbalanced panel data
- RE: st: first difference and time dummies.
- Re: st: Returning Mata Results to Stata
- Re: st: Integrating Graphs and Output into single file
- RE: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: RE: kernreg1
- Re: st: RE: kernreg1
- Re: st: Integrating Graphs and Output into single file
- st: RE: kernreg1
- st: kernreg1
- st: RE: -mfx compute, force- not reporting se in -estout-
- st: -mfx compute, force- not reporting se in -estout-
- Re: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: Wald chi2 test with xtreg, re
- st: -bkrosenblatt- available from SSC
- Re: st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX
- st: orse updated
- Re: Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX
- RE: st: first difference and time dummies.
- st: Hausman Taylor Estimation in an Unbalanced panel
- st: Re: Re: difference between estimated ratios of x/y and ax/ay
- st: Re: difference between estimated ratios of x/y and ax/ay
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: difference between estimated ratios of x/y and ax/ay
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- Re: st: PERL-Phyton scripts within Stata - Can Stata call another program?
- Re: st: Problem with group operation and looping
- st: PERL-Phyton scripts within Stata - Can Stata call another program?
- st: Importing Selected Variables
- Re: st: Positive log likelihoods in xtmixed models
- Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
- st: Positive log likelihoods in xtmixed models
- Re: st: Returning Mata Results to Stata
- Re: st: first difference and time dummies.
- RE: st: first difference and time dummies.
- Re: st: first difference and time dummies.
- st: first difference and time dummies.
- st: order of control variables
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- SV: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: Profit efficiency
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: Profit efficiency
- st: Test for trend for SIR
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- Re: st: Integrating Graphs and Output into single file
- st: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- Re: st: re: returning Stata results to Mata
- Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: Integrating Graphs and Output into single file
- RE: st: Problem with group operation and looping
- st: RE: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- Re: st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- Re: st: programming graphs in stata
- st: first differences and time dummies
- Re: st: Problem with group operation and looping
- st: Profit efficiency
- st: re: Fortran 77s GOTO
- st: [Mata newbie] optimize() vs -ml-
- st: re: returning Stata results to Mata
- Re: st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
- st: Question regarding formatting in Sprintf command (Mata)
- st: RE: Negative Binomial Regression
- Re: [SPAM] - st: Returning Mata Results to Stata - Email has different SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses
- st: FORTRAN 77's GO TO <label> CONTINUE into Mata
- st: programming graphs in stata
- RE: [SPAM] - st: Returning Mata Results to Stata - Email has different SMTP TO: and MIME TO: fields in the email addresses
- st: Returning Mata Results to Stata
- Re: st: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- Re: st: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- Re: st: Re: basic matrix definition question
- Re: st: Re: beginning programming advice
- st: Problem with group operation and looping
- st: Problem with group operation and looping
- st: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- st: heckman w tobit in 2nd stage?
- st: re: confidence intervals on r-squared
- Re: st: Re: confidence intervals on r-squared
- st: Re: beginning programming advice
- st: Re: moving from Stata to Mata
- st: Re: basic matrix definition question
- st: Re: confidence intervals on r-squared
- Re: st: RE: r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit
- st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX
- RE: st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s)
- Re: st: RE: Moving from Stata to Mata
- st: RE: Moving from Stata to Mata
- st: Moving from Stata to Mata
- RE: st: -adjust- with interaction terms?
- Re: st: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- Re: st: -adjust- with interaction terms?
- Re: st: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- Re: st: RE: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- Re: st: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- st: RE: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- st: Basic Matrix Definition Question
- Re: st: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Re: st: re: beginning programming advice
- Re: st: RE: r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit
- RE: st: RE: r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit
- st: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Re: st: Time series analysis
- st: RE: r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit
- RE: st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s)
- st: re: beginning programming advice
- Re: st: RE: Beginning Programming Advice
- st: RE: -adjust- with interaction terms?
- Re: st: RE: Beginning Programming Advice
- st: r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit
- st: pseudo r-square 4-level-logit-regression xtmelogit vs gllamm
- Re: st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s)
- Re: st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s)
- st: RE: Beginning Programming Advice
- st: -heckman- and the identifying variable(s)
- st: RE: RE: Tabulate 1x2 tables?
- st: RE: Tabulate 1x2 tables?
- st: RE: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- st: RE: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- Re: st: Confidence intervals on R-squared
- RE: st: Re: confidence intervals on r^2
- Re: st: Maximization never converges
- Re: st: Maximization never converges
- Re: st: Re: confidence intervals on r^2
- st: any quick way to run multilevel model other than using gllamm?
- st: re: any quick way to run multilvel model other than using gllamm?
- st: Re: confidence intervals on r^2
- st: endogenous switching regression
- st: R: midas
- st: Confidence intervals on R-squared
- RE: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- st: Beginning Programming Advice
- st: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- st: RE: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- st: Tabulate 1x2 tables?
- st: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- RE: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- st: RE: memory error 910 using Fisher's exact test
- RE: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- RE: st: date and time
- st: RE: Histogram gap between Y axis and first bar
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- RE: st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- st: re: 2sls in case the endogenous is nonlinear
- RE: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- st: 2sls in case the endogenous is nonlinear (please help)
- Re: st: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- Re: st: Which weight
- st: How to sample uniformly over a set of specific observations?
- st: -adjust- with interaction terms?
- st: To compare outcome of different measurement tools
- Re: st: mixed effect model and autocorrelation
- Re: st: endogenous switching regression
- Re: st: commands for random effects for continuous data
- st: midas
- Re: st: Maximization never converges
- st: Maximization never converges
- st: Time series analysis
- st: SSC Archive: author listings
- st: ivreg2 update
- Antwort: st: commands for random effects for continuous data
- st: commands for random effects for continuous data
- st: R: re: problems with downloading midas
- st: Histogram gap between Y axis and first bar
- st: re: problems with downloading midas
- st: R: re: problems with downloading midas
- st: re: problems with downloading midas
- st: Is there a midas release for Stata 9.2?
- R: st: Problems with downloading midas
- Re: st: Problems with downloading midas
- Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other
- Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other
- Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- st: R: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- st: Problems with downloading midas
- Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two othervariables
- Re: st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- st: Creating a variable with the highest value from two other variables
- Re: st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- RE: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- st: Re: Why is there a fixed alpha for the P>|z| estimated with poisson?
- RE: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- Re: st: date and time
- RE: st: RE: count
- Re: st: RE: count
- st: Re: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- st: RE: count
- Re: st: count
- Re: st: date and time
- Re: st: Why is there a fixed alpha for the P>|z| estimated with poisson?
- Re: st: Why is there a fixed alpha for the P>|z| estimated with poisson?
- st: count
- st: date and time
- st: Why is there a fixed alpha for the P>|z| estimated with poisson?
- st: re: dummy for multiple intervals
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- Re: st: add up the total stay
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- st: dummy for multiple intervals
- st: Multinomial regression with sample selection
- st: R: RE: Performing a metanalysis on sensibility and specificity
- Re: st: Borjas 2003 type regression
- st: RE: Performing a metanalysis on sensibility and specificity
- st: re: controlling output in Results window and/or in log file
- st: Repeat postings
- st: Controlling output in Results window and/or in log file
- st: RE: A linear fit within a child's record
- st: Borjas 2003 type regression
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- RE: st: add up the total stay
- st: Fwd: rank condition in a simultaneous equations system
- st: RE: Re: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- R: st: Performing a metanalysis on sensibility and specificity
- Re: st: Performing a metanalysis on sensibility and specificity
- st: I am away on 12 Oct pm.
- st: Re: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- RE: st: kappa and bootstrap
- st: condition index with ordered data models
- Re: st: add up the total stay
- st: Performing a metanalysis on sensibility and specificity
- Re: st: kappa and bootstrap
- st: Re: mixed effects model and autocorrelation
- [no subject]
- st: bias in -gllamm- results
- Re: st: Controlling output in Results window and/or in log file
- Re: st: add up the total stay
- Re: st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- Re: st: add up the total stay
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- Re: st: Re: Scott Merryman's contact details
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- st: re: do 2sls, ivreg, etc. check the rank condition for identification?
- st: condition index with ordered data models
- st: kappa and bootstrap
- Re: st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- st: A linear fit within a child's record
- st: add up the total stay
- Re: st: failure of by options with twoway scatter
- st: failure of by options with twoway scatter
- Re: st: re: prais-winsten regression
- Re: st: Identifying regions within a cross-section with Stata
- RE: st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- Re: st: xtmelogit level 1 variance pi2/3?
- RE: st: moving standard deviation (panel data)
- Re: st: psmatch2/xtlogit fe/xtreg fe
- Re: st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- st: psmatch2/xtlogit fe/xtreg fe
- Re: st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- Re: st: Controlling output in Results window and/or in log file
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginningof observations
- st: Controlling output in Results window and/or in log file
- RE: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- Re: st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- st: New Resource for Using R with Stata
- Re: st: question about weights in histograms
- st: mixed effect model and autocorrelation
- Re: st: Identifying regions within a cross-section with Stata
- st: re: prais-winsten regression
- st: Re: missing dummy variable
- Re: st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- AW: st: twoway line and shaded areas
- st: xtmelogit level 1 variance pi2/3?
- Re: st: Interval regression with instrumental variable
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- st: Different results from GLLAMM after each run?
- Re: st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- st: confidence intervals for ratio of predictions-- bootstrap vs. parametric methods?
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- Re: st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- st: Prais-Winsten regression: problem with coefficient estimates
- st: calculating nearest neighbors; looping back to the beginning of observations
- st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- st: re: missing dummy variable
- st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- st: re: Sorting string variable based on a numeric variable
- st: Sorting string variable based on a numeric variable
- st: re: missing dummy variable
- st: Sorting string variable based on a numeric variable
- st: RE: moving standard deviation (panel data)
- st: re: combine two variables for a dataset
- st: RE: re: missing dummy variable
- st: re: moving standard deviation - panel data
- st: Combine two variables in a dataset
- st: re: moving standard deviation -- panel data
- st: re: combine two variables for a dataset
- Re: st: question about weights in histograms
- st: RE: Identifying regions within a cross-section with Stata
- Re: st: question about weights in histograms
- st: Identifying regions within a cross-section with Stata
- Re: st: question about weights in histograms
- RE: RE: st: Does a do file know its own name?
- st: question about weights in histograms
- st: Re: Question about mvtobit
- Re: st: RE: matrix operation not found
- Re: st: twoway line and shaded areas
- Re: st: twoway line and shaded areas
- Re: st: RE: calculating previous transactions for the same issuer
- st: twoway line and shaded areas
- Re: st: moving standard deviation (panel data)
- Re: RE: st: Does a do file know its own name?
- Re: st: Reshape --- it takes so *** long.
- Re: st: Reshape --- it takes so bloodey long.
- st: Reshape --- it takes so bloodey long.
- Re: RE: st: Does a do file know its own name?
- st: RE: calculating previous transactions for the same issuer
- st: Obtaining variable-specific p-value from -estat phtest-
- RE: st: RE: -ciplot- and multiple by options
- st: RE: matrix operation not found
- st: R: Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:41:19 +0200
- st: Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:41:19 +0200
- st: Problems installing xStata 10 on AIX
- st: R: MIME-Version: 1.0 - Your 1st question
- st: moving standard deviation (panel data)
- st: moving standard deviation (panel data)
- st: MIME-Version: 1.0
- st: re: do 2sls, ivreg, etc. check the rank condition for identification?
- st: degree of freedom and FGLS
- Re: st: Do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition of identification?
- st: Interval regression with instrumental variable
- Antwort: Re: st: Panel with low within variance and -xtfmb-
- Re: st: matrix operation not found
- Re: st: Panel with low within variance and -xtfmb-
- st: calculating previous transactions for the same issuer
- st: matrix operation not found
- st: Question about fixed effect
- Re: st: Finding all variables NOT containing a string - SOLVED
- Re: st: Finding all variables NOT containing a string
- st: Finding all variables NOT containing a string
- Re: st: How does Stata perform with exact tests?
- Re: Re; st: Show % when crosstabulating
- Re: st: Show % when crosstabulating
- Re: st: RE: -ciplot- and multiple by options
- st: Re: Can cross-sections be pooled
- Re: st: -hh- command?
- st: heckman with matrix
- Re: Re; st: Show % when crosstabulating
- Re: st: How does Stata perform with exact tests?
- Re: st: -hh- command?
- Re: Re; st: Show % when crosstabulating
- Re; st: Show % when crosstabulating
- RE: st: St: How to fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- st: West Coast Stata Users Group Meeting coming soon!
- st: How does Stata perform with exact tests?
- Re: st: RE: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- RE: st: RE: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- Re: st: RE: Hierarchical clustering: long format?
- RE: st: RE: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- Re: st: RE: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- st: RE: Hierarchical clustering: long format?
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- st: RE: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- st: RE: -ciplot- and multiple by options
- RE: st: min and max with dates
- Re: st: cancer dataset
- Re: st: min and max with dates
- Re: st: min and max with dates
- Re: st: min and max with dates
- st: GLLAMM error: log-likelihood cannot be computed
- st: min and max with dates
- Re: st: Which weight
- RE: Repost: instrumental variables regression with random effects GLS using cross-section data and endogenous binary independent variable
- Re: st: Connecting baseline dataset to visit dataset
- Re: st: -hh- command?
- Re: st: replace command
- st: endogenous switching regression
- st: -ciplot- and multiple by options
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- Re: st: RE: Simple tab needed but multiple records + how do peoplelearn Stata?
- st: -hh- command?
- st: R: replace command
- st: RE: re: how do people learn Stata?
- Re: st: Show % when crosstabulating
- st: re: how do people learn Stata?
- st: Show % when crosstabulating
- Re: st: how do peoplelearn Stata?
- utest: ado-file for testing for a U-shape
- Re: st: replace command
- st: Connecting baseline dataset to visit dataset
- st: replace command
- st: gllamm and mixed multinomial logit
- st: Hierarchical clustering: long format?
- Re: RE: st: how do peoplelearn Stata?
- RE: st: how do peoplelearn Stata?
- Re: Repost: instrumental variables regression with random effects GLS using cross-section data and endogenous binary independent variable
- Re: st: ml within ml?
- st: ml within ml?
- Re: st: re: checkreg3
- st: update to ralloc
- st: R: RE: Simple tab needed but multiple records+How do people learn Stata
- Re: st: how do peoplelearn Stata?
- RE: st: from Gauri (posting troubles) re positive log-likelihood
- Re: st: dropped observations in bootstrap
- st: how do peoplelearn Stata?
- Re: st: dropped observations in bootstrap
- Re: st: dropped observations in bootstrap
- st: RE: Simple tab needed but multiple records
- Re: st: from Gauri (posting troubles) re positive log-likelihood
- st: RE: How to convert multiple numeric variables into a single string variable?
- Re: st: bootstrap error: insufficient observations ...
- st: re: checkreg3
- st: from Gauri (posting troubles) re positive log-likelihood
- st: How to convert multiple numeric variables into a single string variable?
- st: How to convert multiple numeric variables into a single string variable?
- st: identification status of a linear simultaneous equations system
- st: RE: How to convert multiple numeric variables into a single string variable?
- Re: st: Which weight
- Re: st: line patterns within Kaplan Meier
- Re: st: Re: line patterns within Kaplan Maier
- st: RE: How to form every combination of n variables
- st: How to convert multiple numeric variables into a single string variable?
- st: stata vs limdep
- st: re: do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition for identification
- Re: st: dropped observations in bootstrap
- st: Re: line patterns within Kaplan Maier
- Re: st: line patterns within Kaplan Meier
- st: Re: Scott Merryman's contact details
- st: Which weight
- st: Imposing equality of means before permutation test
- Re: st: line patterns within Kaplan Meier
- Re: st: line patterns within Kaplan Meier
- st: dropped observations in bootstrap
- Re: st: re: line patterns within Kaplan Maier
- st: re: line patterns within Kaplan Maier
- st: line patterns within Kaplan Meier
- Re: st: Inequality restrictions in ml
- Re: st: Panel with low within variance and -xtfmb-
- Re: st: tobit probit censored data confusion
- Re: Repost: instrumental variables regression with random effects GLS using cross-section data and endogenous binary independent variable
- Re: st: xtregar without constant
- Re: Re: st: SUR Tobit
- st: missing dummy variable
- st: Inequality restrictions in ml
- Re: st: Drawing arrowheads using - twoway function -
- st: Drawing arrowheads using - twoway function -
- st: re: simple tab needed but multiple records
- st: R: Simple tab needed but multiple records
- Re: st: Simple tab needed but multiple records
- st: cancer dataset
- st: Simple tab needed but multiple records
- st: Automating wrapping of text in graphs?
- st: RE: Automating wrapping of text in graphs?
- RE: st: Graphing a string variable
- Re: st: Graphing a string variable
- st: Graphing a string variable
- Re: st: you estimated at least as many quantities as you have observations
- Re: st: you estimated at least as many quantities as you have observations
- st: you estimated at least as many quantities as you have observations
- st: [WINDOWS-1252] Simple longitudinal data question ^� drug cont[WINDOWS-1252] inuation rate
- Re: st: Modelling the passage of time: OLS vs survival analysis
- Re: st: Simple longitudinal data question – drug cont
- Re: Re: st: RE: KSmirnov: testing for first order stochastic dominance
- Re: st: How to form every combination of n variables
- st: 2-PLM (was Rasch)
- RE: st: St: How to fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- RE: st: St: How to fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- st: How to form every combination of n variables
- st: Re: Rasch
- st: re: missing dummy variable
- st: Simple longitudinal data question – drug continuation rate
- st: Modelling the passage of time: OLS vs survival analysis
- Re: st: Re: missing dummy variable
- st: Re: missing dummy variable
- Re: st: RE: KSmirnov: testing for first order stochastic dominance
- st: xtregar without constant
- Re: Re st: simple reg
- Re: Re st: simple reg
- Re: st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- Re st: simple reg
- Re: st: How to select missing variables for analysis?
- st: simple reg
- Re: st: from stata to SAS
- st: Simultaneous Estimation of Discrete (Polychotomous) Continous Equation System
- st: DHS ten years of data
- Re: st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- Repost: instrumental variables regression with random effects GLS using cross-section data and endogenous binary independent variable
- Re: st: missing dummy variable
- Re: st: How to select missing variables for analysis?
- Re: st: How to select missing variables for analysis?
- Re: st: missing dummy variable
- st: How to select missing variables for analysis?
- st: missing dummy variable
- st: Panel with low within variance and -xtfmb-
- RE: st: Anova with not variance homogeneity
- Re: st: How to append one graph to another
- st: Re: panel est with varying coeff over indivs
- RE: st: Bootstrap with time series models
- RE : st: Bug in stata 10 ?!
- [no subject]
- Re: st: Bug in stata 10 ?!
- st: Bug in stata 10 ?!
- Re: st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- Re: st: local macro tempvar troubles
- Re: st: from stata to SAS
- RE: st: Rasch
- st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- st: Strange matching results (from nnmatch.ado)!
- Re: st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- Re: st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- RE: st: Rasch
- Re: st: Rasch
- Re: st: local macro tempvar troubles
- Re: st: Bootstrap with time series models
- st: Re: Date format not working
- st: Date format not working
- Re: st: from stata to SAS
- st: RE: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- st: How to use Postfile without using a new Stata dataset
- st: RE: KSmirnov: testing for first order stochastic dominance
- st: GraphGini coefficient and bootstraped ci
- Re: st: many children per mother to one record per child DHS data rewrite SAS do file
- st: Lincom after devcon, and another minor devcon question
- st: R: Anova with not variance homogeneity
- Re: st: local macro tempvar troubles
- RE : Re: st: RE: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- st: re: program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- Re: st: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- Re: st: RE: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- Re: st: Bootstrap with time series models
- st: KSmirnov: testing for first order stochastic dominance
- st: Bootstrap with time series models
- st: What is sttocc criteria when only one control meets matching definition?
- Re: st: Rasch
- st: RE: RE: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- st: RE: Anova with not variance homogeneity
- Re: st: Anova with not variance homogeneity
- st: RE: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- st: Anova with not variance homogeneity
- st: using inteff after probit w/multi-level categorical variables
- st: Re: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- Re: st: local macro tempvar troubles
- st: Program ADF test with Perron's procedure
- Re: st: RE: local macro tempvar troubles
- Re: st: Rasch
- st: RE: local macro tempvar troubles
- Re: st: Rasch
- st: Rasch
- RE: st: RE: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- st: Test for the difference in the coefficients of two models that usedifferent samples - Stochastic Frontier Analysis
- st: xtgls
- Re: st: panel estimation with varying coefficient over individuals
- Re: st: How do fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- Re: st: Can't size do-file editor window in Stata 10
- st: panel estimation with varying coefficient over individuals
- Re: st: St: How do fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- Re: st: tobit probit censored data confusion
- st: local macro tempvar troubles
- st: St: How do fit a cox PH model for categorical outcome variable with 3 levels in the same model
- Re: st: How to calculate 75 percentile of other individuals on the same
- Re: st: Replace a loop with the help of simulate?
- Re: st: Replace a loop with the help of simulate?
- st: Marginal effects in Ordered Probit
- st: Replace a loop with the help of simulate?
- st: tobit probit censored data confusion
- st: re: do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition for identification
- Re: st: SUR Tobit
- st: RE: RE: Do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition of identification?
- st: SUR Tobit
- Re: st: How to calculate 75 percentile of other individuals on thesame
- Re: st: RE: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- st: RE: Do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition of identification?
- st: New command -mvtobit- available from SSC
- st: data set up for multiple failure survival model with time varying predictors
- Re: st: Can't size do-file editor window in Stata 10
- st: RE: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- Re: st: many children per mother to one record per child DHS data rewrite SAS do file
- st: many children per mother to one record per child DHS data rewriteSAS do file
- Re: st: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- st: RE: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- Re: st: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- st: ivreg with random effects GLS using cross-section data
- st: sub-dataset by variable numbers
- st: Re: Duration models: database preparation
- st: Re: generating a sequence of numbers in Mata
- st: Kohonen algorithm
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- st: Interpreting the trace of a matrix in GEE
- st: RE: Do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition of identification?
- Re: st: Generating a sequence of numbers in Mata
- Re: st: Optional arguments in Mata
- st: Do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition of identification?
- st: R: Duration models: database preparation
- RE: st: Getting the exact number of obs. a graph is based on
- Re: st: re: generating a sequence of numbers in Mata
- st: re: generating a sequence of numbers in Mata
- st: Generating a sequence of numbers in Mata
- Re: st: re: optional arguments in Mata
- st: Can't size do-file editor window in Stata 10
- st: re: optional arguments in Mata
- st: re: calculating determinant of Hessian matrix over observations
- Re: st: Getting the exact number of obs. a graph is based on
- st: Getting the exact number of obs. a graph is based on
- Antwort: st: ivreg and random effects GLS
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- st: xtabond and Sargan's test with large samples
- st: ivtobit
- st: Optional arguments in Mata
- Re: st: Re: Calculating Determinant of Hessian Matrix Over Obervations
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- st: re: generating determinant of Hessian matrix over observations
- st: SSC Archive activity, September 2007
- st: Duration models: database preparation
- st: Re: Calculating Determinant of Hessian Matrix Over Obervations
- st: Calculating Determinant of Hessian Matrix Over Obervations
- st: ivreg with random effects GLS
- st: ivreg and random effects GLS
- Re: st: bootstrap error: insufficient observations ...
- Re: st: Oaxaca and heckmanan
- st: RE: Estimating Systems with Both Linear and Non linear Equations
- Re: st: Please reply
- Re: st: Help Poolability test
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