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Re: st: Stata 10SE crashes on Windows Vista 64-bit
Peter Jepsen <[email protected]> has found a bug where 64-bit versions of
Stata10 can crash when exporting very large TIF images. We have confirmed
this issue and will get it fixed in a future executable update. Until
the update is made available, avoid this problem by using widths of
5300 or less.
-- James Hassell (StataCorp)
[email protected]
> I'm running Stata 10SE on Windows Vista 64-bit.
>Stata/SE 10.0 for Windows 64-bit x86-64
>Born 15 Oct 2007
>Copyright (C) 1985-2007
>This do-file crashes Stata:
>sysuse auto, clear
>scatter weight length
>graph export crash.tif, width(8000) replace
>It seems that there is an upper limit to the width. A width of 5000
>instead of 8000 gives me a nice - big! - TIF-file. Can anyone confirm
>this behaviour?
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