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Re: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materialsbe available?

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: 2007 West Coast Users Group meeting- will more detailed materialsbe available?
Date   Wed, 31 Oct 2007 21:09:55 -0500

I was there in London, near the East Coast. What Vince did there didn't really lend itself to putting up in the format you desire. Mostly, he showed us stuff by doing it, and responded to questions impromptu. It wasn't really a series of slides with chatter. That's naturally not to discourage him putting up what he can, but it was a question, unfortunately, of "you should have been there".
Maybe Stata Corp could post a movie of the graph editor in action under his hand, like the UCLA movies if it was something beyond what one can grasp by playing around with the editor.


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