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st: re: do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition for identification
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Thomas Cornelissen <[email protected]> |
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Statalist <[email protected]> |
Subject |
st: re: do 2sls, ivreg etc. test the rank condition for identification |
Date |
Sun, 07 Oct 2007 14:37:31 +0200 |
Kit, thanks a lot for your reply!
Isn't the question of identification independent from the question of
whether I chose a system estimator or an equation-by-equation estimator?
When I use the option 3sls with that model,
reg3 (w tenure schooling male) (tenure w) (schooling pubsec male expft)
if welle==2000, 3sls
it's the same, Stata estimates the model and doesn't complain.
I understand that in the first equation there are 2 endogenous variables
on the right hand side (tenure and schooling), and that there are 2
exogenous variables
excluded from the first equation. But should the 2 instruments really be
used as instruments for the tenure variable in that particular model? I
am wondering, because they are explicitly excluded from the tenure
equation. And that exclusion from the tenure equation causes zeros in
the (A3, A5) matrix in Greene 2003, page 393, which make the matrix not
full rank and make the rank condition analyzed by Greene fail. If I
recall right, in Greene there is also a rule of thumb for
identification: "Each equation should have its own exogenous variable
excluded from the other equations." And this is violated for the first
and second equation in this model.
As I understand it, failing the rank condition analyzed by Greene means
that there are different sets of structural parameters consistent with
the same reduced form.
Does that mean that I should worry about whether the structural
estimates of the above model are unique? And does it imply that before
estimating a system of equations by 3sls, one should always check
identification of the model, maybe at least by Greene's rule of thumb
mentioned above?
Kit said:
I don't have my Wooldridge handy to check out the reference, but the
Greene reference is to the rank condition on a simultaneous system: one
estimated with 3SLS. You have estimated each equation with 2SLS, just as
if you ran ivreg/ivregress/ivreg2 on each equation. The first equation
needs 2 instruments and 2 are available. It is exactly ID by the order
condition and passes the rank condition as long as the two instruments
are not perfectly correlated (the rank of Z must be full). The second
equation is overid by order (2 inst, 1 needed) and the third equation is
not simultaneous, and could be estimated by OLS given the assertions
that male pubsec expft are exogenous. Thus this is a block-recursive
system, with the third equation forming one block and the first two
equations forming another. In any case, you can't evaluate the condition
that Greene is examining by looking at the system one equation at a
time, and your estimation technique is doing just that, despite
employing -reg3-.
Thomas said:
When I asked my question I was thinking about the rank condition for
identification of an equation
of a simultaneous equation model, such as the conditions stated in
Wooldridge 2002 p.218 equation
9.19 or in Greene 2003, page 393, second equation. To my understanding,
a violation of these can be
asserted by looking at the structure of the model, without needing a
statistical test. Am I mistaken
Wooldridge 2002, Example 9.3 (p. 219) states a three-equation model
which meets the order condition
but not the rank condition of identification. I replicated the model
structure with variables I have
available in a data set and estimated it:
. reg3 (w tenure schooling male) (tenure w) (schooling pubsec male
expft), 2sls
Two-stage least-squares regression
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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