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Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models
From |
"Rosy Reynolds" <[email protected]> |
To |
<[email protected]> |
Subject |
Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid models |
Date |
Fri, 26 Oct 2007 17:18:51 +0100 |
Perfect! That deals with everything, including where to find the code
for -log4-.
Yes, our dose-response curves are descending, unlike my synthetic example
data. It makes sense to me (as well as Nick Holford) to think of inhibitory
curves as having negative Emax. That's why I wanted the model to give me the
coefficient set with negative Emax and positive Hill coefficient, rather
than the alternative set with positive Emax and negative Hill which was
what -nl log4- naturally produced.
I have a choice of ways forward now. I'll compare fitting the sigmoid Emax
directly, using a little substitutable expression program to pick starting
values, with the 4-parameter logistic, and compare also with results from
other software that colleagues have used previously.
Thanks again to you, and everyone else who has contributed.
best wishes
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To: "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:18 AM
Subject: Re: st: nl -choice between alternative parametrisations of sigmoid
Rosy Reynolds wrote (excerpted):
In the other set, b2 is negative, the sign of b1 is reversed, and b0
the outcome at infinitely high dose instead of at the lowest doses. The
lowest-dose outcome is now given by b0+b1.
With our data, -nl- naturally produces the set of coefficients with
I wonder if your dose-response curve is descending (e.g., growth rate of a
bacterium in presence of increasing concentrations of an antibiotic drug
which it's susceptible). If that's the case, then it explains
why -nllog4.ado- sets up initial values that lead to what you've been
seeing. If it's the case, then you can reparameterize your model to
accommodate that the response is inhibitory in nature. Take a look at:
www.boomer.org/pkin/PK01/PK2001138.html . Scroll down about halfway,
Nick Holford posts a reply. The pertinent text includes,
"The inhibitory sigmoid Emax model simply has a negative value for
Emax but can also be written like this (the inhibitory fractional
sigmoid Emax model):
E = E0*(1 - Emax * C^Hill / (EC50^Hill + C^Hill))
where Emax is now a (non-negative) fraction between 0 and 1. If
Emax=1 then the response will be 0 at infinite C i.e. the drug
produces complete inhibition of the response."
On the otherhand, if your dose-response curve is ascending with
homoscedastic errors as in the example do-files that you've posted, and if
you set up your initial values with Emax >> Emin, Hill >=1 and any
reasonable estimate for log ED50, then I can't imagine why -nl- would
off toward negative values for Hill coefficients with any dataset where
going to attain convergence with nonmissing coefficient standard errors.
About the only other thought that occurs (other than imposing nonlinear
constraints, as others have already suggested) would be to automatically
calculate initial values:
summarize response, meanonly
local Emax = r(max)
local E0 = r(min)
summarize log_dose, meanonly
local log_ED50 = r(mean)
nl log4: . . . , initial(b0 `E0' b1 `Emax' b2 1 b3 `log_ED50')
If your dose-response is descending (inhibitory) and you're using Nick
Holford's suggestion to parameterize as an inhibitory fraction sigmoid
model, then you'd set E0 to be r(max), and set Emax to be 1 - r(min) /
r(max). If the middle dose is always the same in your designed
then there's no need to go through the motions of -summarize log_dose-
replicate to get an initial value. Likewise, if you some prior knowledge
that the Hill coefficient should be in the neighborhood of, say, 3, then
that will be a better fixed initial value than 1.
You might be able to accommodate zero doses by modifying the
logistic model in the manner that Daniel Waxman suggests, i.e., set up an
indicator variable for zero-valued doses, create a modified
transformed dose variable that has nonmissing value (pick one arbitrarily)
for observations at zero dose, and fit:
nl (response = {Emin} * dose_is_zero_dummy + ///
{Emax} * (1 - dose_is_zero_dummy) / (1 + ///
exp({Hill} * ({ED50} - log_dose))), initial(. . .)
I'm not sure that that would be my first choice over just using the
conventional parameterization of the sigmoid Emax model, but it might be
worth a try if you insist upon the four-parameter logistic.
In your reply to Austin Nichols, you indicated a reluctance to choose
starting values. With nonlinear regression, you're liable to encounter a
few occasions where you'll need to choose starting values manually.
Joseph Coveney
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