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Re: st: ? Bug: Stata 10 crashes when ctrl+9 pressed twice
I am having all sorts of difficulties with Stata 10 MP 4 on a Windows
XP 32 machine with 2 gigs of memory. First, it locks up at random
times and sometimes at quite awkward moments before I've saved the
recent alterations to my data. I'm not sure exactly what I've done
(if anything) to precipitate this untoward behavior.
Second, if I leave a help screen up and then create and edit a graph,
the help screen can't be moved nor can it be removed by clicking on
its "X" button. The only way to get rid of that locked help screen
is to click on the Window tab at the top and ask Stata to "close all viewers".
Third, before I set the results buffer to a much higher capacity then
the default setting, I couldn't use "control+1" to get the cursor
into the results window after I'd performed a multiple runs.
I also miss both the "open recent" option under the file command in
the version 10 do file and the "shift-control-S" command in the same
place that set up a "save as" for a do file. I was promised that the
"open recent" option that was in prior versions would be added in an
upgrade but I haven't had the time to find out. Has it been?
All in all version 10 has been disappointing. I know that Stata is
written for multiple operating systems, so it is more difficult for
them to get things right, but about every third Stata upgrade with a
new version number has been buggy.
I've (unhappily) gone back to version 9 while I wait for them to get
things right in version 10.
Have others had the same experience?
Dave Jacobs
At 09:17 AM 10/21/2007, you wrote:
Pressing ctrl+9 a few times in a row makes may Stata 10.0/MP crash in
a quite reliable way.
My Stata:
. about
Stata/MP 10.0 for Windows
Born 15 Oct 2007
Copyright (C) 1985-2007
Total physical memory: 2096300 KB
Available physical memory: 1287092 KB
2007/10/21, Maarten buis <[email protected]>:
> --- "Saleheddin Mahmud, Dr." <[email protected]> wrote:
> > To reproduce bug:
> > 1. Start Stata.
> > 2. Press ctrl+9 --> variable and review windows appear
> > 3. Press ctrl+9 --> Stata crashes
> >
> > Stata/MP 10.0 for Windows
> > Born 15 Oct 2007
> > Total physical memory: 2095188 KB
> > Available physical memory: 1288068 KB
> That doesn't make my Stata 10 crash, though I too have the impression
> that Stata crashes more often. In my case it tends to happen when I am
> closing multiple Stata's in one go (right click on the Stata icon in
> the taskbar and select close). Since I want to close Stata anyhow I am
> not that worried, but it isn't nice.
> -- Maarten
> -----------------------------------------
> Maarten L. Buis
> Department of Social Research Methodology
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> Boelelaan 1081
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> visiting address:
> Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
> +31 20 5986715
> http://home.fsw.vu.nl/m.buis/
> -----------------------------------------
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