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Re: st: RE: date function

From   Arun Rajamohan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: date function
Date   Fri, 26 Oct 2007 15:13:09 -0400

Hope it helps...
gen mydate=date(var1,"DMY")
DMY must be in capitals

. list

�� � +-------------+
�� � | � � � �var1 |
�� � |-------------|
��1. | 20-Jun-2005 |
��2. | 22-Mar-2005 |
��3. | 29-Nov-2005 |
��4. | 18-Apr-2006 |
��5. | 28-Sep-2004 |
�� � +-------------+

. de

Contains data
��obs: � � � � � � 5 � � � � � � � � � � � � �
�vars: � � � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � �
�size: � � � � � 110 (99.9% of memory free)
�� � � � � � �storage �display � � value
variable name � type � format � � �label � � �variable label
var1 � � � � � �str18 �%18s � � � � � � � � ��
Sorted by: �
�� � Note: �dataset has changed since last saved

. gen mydate=date(var1,"DMY")

. list

�� � +----------------------+
�� � | � � � �var1 � mydate |
�� � |----------------------|
��1. | 20-Jun-2005 � �16607 |
��2. | 22-Mar-2005 � �16517 |
��3. | 29-Nov-2005 � �16769 |
��4. | 18-Apr-2006 � �16909 |
��5. | 28-Sep-2004 � �16342 |
�� � +----------------------+

. format mydate %d

. list

�� � +-------------------------+
�� � | � � � �var1 � � �mydate |
�� � |-------------------------|
��1. | 20-Jun-2005 � 20jun2005 |
��2. | 22-Mar-2005 � 22mar2005 |
��3. | 29-Nov-2005 � 29nov2005 |
��4. | 18-Apr-2006 � 18apr2006 |
��5. | 28-Sep-2004 � 28sep2004 |
�� � +-------------------------+


On Oct 26, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Tina Hernandez-Boussard wrote:

Sorry, typo, but still get the error:

gen mydate=date( surgery_date, "dmy")
(737 missing values generated)

On Oct 26, 2007, at 11:55 AM, Nick Cox wrote:

mdy? dmy! N

Tina Hernandez-Boussard

Looking for some help converting my string data to a %td.

My date is a str11 as follows:

� � | surgery_d~e |
� � � |-------------|
�� 1. | 20-Jun-2005 |
�� 2. | 22-Mar-2005 |
�� 3. | 29-Nov-2005 |
�� 4. | 18-Apr-2006 |
�� 5. | 28-Sep-2004 |

When I try to convert this is a date, gen mydate=date( surgery_date,

I just get a variable with all values missing.

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Arun Rajamohan PhD
Department of Biology
Room 237, Biological & Geological Sciences Building
1151 Richmond Street North
The University of Western Ontario
London, ON N6A 5B7 CANADA

Tel: + 1-519-661-2111 ext 80582
Fax: + 1-519-661-3935

Other�contact numbers:
Home: 5192047680 / Cell: 5198511553

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