Intro |
Introduction to time-series manual |
Time series |
Introduction to time-series commands |
arch |
Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) family of estimators |
arch postestimation |
Postestimation tools for arch |
arfima |
Autoregressive fractionally integrated moving-average models |
arfima postestimation |
Postestimation tools for arfima |
arfimasoc |
Obtain lag-order selection statistics for ARFIMAs |
arima |
ARIMA, ARMAX, and other dynamic regression models |
arima postestimation |
Postestimation tools for arima |
arimasoc |
Obtain lag-order selection statistics for ARMAs |
corrgram |
Tabulate and graph autocorrelations |
cumsp |
Graph cumulative spectral distribution |
dfactor |
Dynamic-factor models |
dfactor postestimation |
Postestimation tools for dfactor |
dfgls |
DF-GLS unit-root test |
dfuller |
Augmented Dickey–Fuller unit-root test |
estat acplot |
Plot parametric autocorrelation and autocovariance functions |
estat aroots |
Check the stability condition of ARIMA estimates |
estat sbcusum |
Cumulative sum test for parameter stability |
estat sbknown |
Test for a structural break with a known break date |
estat sbsingle |
Test for a structural break with an unknown break date |
fcast compute |
Compute dynamic forecasts |
fcast graph |
Graph forecasts after fcast compute |
forecast |
Econometric model forecasting |
forecast adjust |
Adjust variables to produce alternative forecasts |
forecast clear |
Clear current model from memory |
forecast coefvector |
Specify an equation via a coefficient vector |
forecast create |
Create a new forecast model |
forecast describe |
Describe features of the forecast model |
forecast drop |
Drop forecast variables |
forecast estimates |
Add estimation results to a forecast model |
forecast exogenous |
Declare exogenous variables |
forecast identity |
Add an identity to a forecast model |
forecast list |
List forecast commands composing current model |
forecast query |
Check whether a forecast model has been started |
forecast solve |
Obtain static and dynamic forecasts |
irf |
Create and analyze IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and
irf add |
Add results from an IRF
file to the active IRF file |
irf cgraph |
Combined graphs of
IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
irf create |
IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
irf ctable |
Combined tables of
IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
irf describe |
Describe an IRF file
irf drop |
Drop IRF results from the
active IRF file |
irf graph |
Graphs of IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
irf ograph |
Overlaid graphs of
IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
irf rename |
Rename an IRF result in an
IRF file |
irf set |
Set the active IRF file
irf table |
Tables of
IRFs, dynamic-multiplier functions, and FEVDs |
lpirf |
Local-projection impulse–response functions |
lpirf postestimation |
Postestimation tools for lpirf |
mgarch |
Multivariate GARCH models |
mgarch ccc |
Constant conditional correlation multivariate GARCH models |
mgarch ccc postestimation |
Postestimation tools for mgarch ccc |
mgarch dcc |
Dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH models |
mgarch dcc postestimation |
Postestimation tools for mgarch dcc |
mgarch dvech |
Diagonal vech multivariate GARCH models |
mgarch dvech postestimation |
Postestimation tools for mgarch dvech |
mgarch vcc |
Varying conditional correlation multivariate GARCH models |
mgarch vcc postestimation |
Postestimation tools for mgarch vcc |
mswitch |
Markov-switching regression models |
mswitch postestimation |
Postestimation tools for mswitch |
newey |
Regression with Newey–West standard errors |
newey postestimation |
Postestimation tools for newey
pergram |
Periodogram |
pperron |
Phillips–Perron unit-root test |
prais |
Prais–Winsten and Cochrane–Orcutt regression |
prais postestimation |
Postestimation tools for prais |
psdensity |
Parametric spectral density estimation after arima, arfima, and ucm |
rolling |
Rolling-window and recursive estimation |
sspace |
State-space models |
sspace postestimation |
Postestimation tools for sspace |
threshold |
Threshold regression |
threshold postestimation |
Postestimation tools for threshold |
tsappend |
Add observations to a time-series dataset |
tsfill |
Fill in gaps in time variable |
tsfilter |
Filter a time series for cyclical components |
tsfilter bk |
Baxter–King time-series filter |
tsfilter bw |
Butterworth time-series filter |
tsfilter cf |
Christiano–Fitzgerald time-series filter |
tsfilter hp |
Hodrick–Prescott time-series filter |
tsline |
Time-series line plots |
tsreport |
Report time-series aspects of a dataset or estimation sample |
tsrevar |
Time-series operator programming command |
tsset |
Declare data to be time-series data |
tssmooth |
Smooth and forecast univariate time-series data |
tssmooth dexponential |
Double-exponential smoothing |
tssmooth exponential |
Single-exponential smoothing |
tssmooth hwinters |
Holt–Winters nonseasonal smoothing |
tssmooth ma |
Moving-average filter |
tssmooth nl |
Nonlinear filter |
tssmooth shwinters |
Holt–Winters seasonal smoothing |
ucm |
Unobserved-components models |
ucm postestimation |
Postestimation tools for ucm
var intro |
Introduction to vector autoregression models |
var |
Vector autoregression models StataNow |
var postestimation |
Postestimation tools for var |
var ivsvar |
Instrumental-variables structural vector autoregressive models StataNow |
var ivsvar postestimation |
Postestimation tools for ivsvar StataNow |
var svar |
Structural vector autoregression models |
var svar postestimation |
Postestimation tools for svar |
varbasic |
Fit a simple VAR and graph IRFs or FEVDs |
varbasic postestimation |
Postestimation tools for varbasic |
vargranger |
Pairwise Granger causality tests |
varlmar |
LM test for residual autocorrelation |
varnorm |
Test for normally distributed disturbances |
varsoc |
Obtain lag-order selection statistics for VARs and VEC models |
varstable |
Check eigenvalue stability condition |
varwle |
Obtain Wald lag-exclusion statistics |
vec intro |
Introduction to vector
error-correction models |
vec |
Vector error-correction models |
vec postestimation |
Postestimation tools for vec |
veclmar |
LM test for residual autocorrelation after vec |
vecnorm |
Test for normally distributed
disturbances after vec |
vecrank |
Estimate the cointegrating
rank of a VECM |
vecstable |
Check the stability condition of VEC model estimates |
wntestb |
Bartlett's periodogram-based test for white noise |
wntestq |
Portmanteau (Q) test for white noise |
xcorr |
Cross-correlogram for bivariate time series |
Glossary |
Combined author index |
Combined subject index |