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Free updates to Stata 16

Stata 16.1 was just released. With this free update, we have introduced many new features. Here are a few highlights:

  • The Do-file Editor has many new enhancements to simplify your coding experience. For instance, you can control autoindentation of lines between curly braces, use Alt + the Up or Down arrow to shift selected lines up or down, respectively, and wrap selected text in quotes or parentheses.
  • You now have more flexibility when creating a data frame containing a subset of an existing dataset. frame put now allows you to specify both a subset of variables and a subset of observations to be included in the new frame.
  • When creating a Word document with putdocx, you can now specify page margins for the entire document and for sections within the document.
  • Forest plots and meta-analysis summaries can now report effect sizes and confidence intervals in transformed metrics that make results easier to interpret. For instance, for a meta-analysis performed using Fisher's z values, effect sizes and confidence intervals can be transformed and reported as correlations. Likewise, log risk-ratios can be transformed to treatment efficacies, log odds-ratios to odds ratios, log hazard-ratios to hazard ratios, logits of proportions to proportions, and more.
  • Multilevel models now have a more convenient syntax for including random coefficients on interactions, squared terms, and indicators for levels of categorical variables. Stata's standard factor-variable notation can now be used in the random-effects equations for multilevel mixed-effects commands, such as mixed, melogit, mepoisson, and mestreg.
  • Mixed logit models are now easier to interpret. The new or option allowed with cmmixlogit and cmxtmixlogit reports results as odds ratios for alternative-specific variables and as relative-risk ratios for case-specific variables.
  • Panel-data random-effects linear models fit via maximum likelihood estimation now allow robust and cluster–robust standard errors.

Ready to use one of these new features? Want to find out what other changes we made? Type

. update all

in your copy of Stata 16 to download the new features. Then, type

. help whatsnew

to see a list of all the new features in the Stata 16.1 update and in all the updates since Stata 16 was released.

Don't have Stata 16? Upgrade today and access all the new features.

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