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Visit with us at these upcoming conferences

Stata booth picture

2024 Stata Conference

1–2 August 2024, Portland, OR
Attending from StataCorp: Aramayis Dallakyan, Senior Statistician and Software Developer;
Chinh Nguyen, Vice President, Software Design;
Hua Peng, Executive Director, Software Engineering and Data Science;
Eduardo Echeverri, Senior Econometrician, Communications;
Meghan Cain, Assistant Director, Educational Services

JSM 2024

American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meetings
3–8 August 2024, Portland, OR
Booths: 106, 108, & 110
Stata Press booth: 104
Attending from StataCorp: Yulia Marchenko, Vice President, Statistics and Data Science;
Aramayis Dallakyan, Senior Statistician and Software Developer;
Meghan Cain, Assistant Director, Educational Services; and
Yaojin Sun, Senior Statistician and Software Developer

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APA 2024 Annual Convention

American Psychological Association
8–10 August 2024, Seattle, WA
Booths: 204, 206, & 208
Attending from StataCorp: Meghan Cain, Assistant Director, Educational Services

AOM 2024 Annual Meeting

Academy of Management
9–13 August 2024, Chicago, IL
Booths: 404, 406, & 408
Attending from StataCorp: Gustavo Sánchez, Director, Technical Services
and Bingsheng Zhang, Senior Applied Mathematician

Attend our demos »

ASA 2024 Annual Meeting

American Sociological Association
9–13 August 2024, Montreal, QC
Booth: 211 & 213
Attending from StataCorp: Chuck Huber, Director, Statistical Outreach

Attend our workshop »

APSA 2024 Annual Meeting

American Political Science Association
5–8 September 2024, Philadelphia, PA
Booths: 303 & 305
Attending from StataCorp: Gustavo Sánchez, Director, Technical Services

Attend our preconference short course »

Biopharm 2024 Workshop

Biopharmaceutical Section Regulatory-Industry Statistics Workshop
25–27 September 2024, Rockville, MD
Attending from StataCorp: Chuck Huber, Director, Statistical Outreach

APHA 2024 Annual Meeting

American Public Health Association
27–30 October 2024, Minneapolis, MN
Booths: 1708, 1710, & 1712
Attending from StataCorp: Chuck Huber, Director, Statistical Outreach
and Alvaro Higuera, Senior Econometrician, Communications