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AOM 2024 Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL | 9–13 August 2024

StataCorp will be an exhibitor at the AOM 2024 Annual Meeting. Attending from StataCorp: Gustavo Sánchez, Director, Technical Services. We're also hosting two demos at our booth, #404, and an exhibit hall theatre session. For more information about the meeting, visit the AOM 2024 Annual Meeting page.

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Stata demos

Title: Easily create your Table 1
Presenter: Bingsheng Zhang, Senior Applied Mathematician
Date: Saturday, 10 August 2024
Time: 10:20–10:35 a.m. CT
Location: Booth 404
Description: In this quick demo, we will use the new dtable command to show how to easily create a table of descriptive statistics, commonly known as "Table 1". We will also show how to optionally add p-values from test statistics comparing groups on summary statistics, a title, notes, and more, and then export it to a variety of file types.
Title: Bayesian model averaging
Presenter: Gustavo Sánchez, Director, Technical Services
Date: Saturday, 10 August 2024
Time: 2:50–3:05 p.m. CT
Location: Booth 404
Description: In this short demo, we will use the new suite of bma commands to illustrate the way you can perform Bayesian model averaging estimation in Stata. We will show how to obtain probabilities associated with relevant predictors, measurements about complementary or substitutable predictors across different model candidates, and predictions that incorporate uncertainty about the model and the parameters.

Exhibit Hall Theatre Session

Topics: Introduction to Bayesian analysis in Stata
Introduction to Bayesian model averaging (BMA) in Stata
Easily create your Table 1
Presenters: Gustavo Sánchez, Director, Technical Services
Bingsheng Zhang, Senior Applied Mathematician
Date: Sunday, 11 August 2024
Time: 10:30–11:30 a.m. CT
Location: Exhibit Hall Theatre
Description: In the first part of the presentation, we will be using simple management and marketing examples to illustrate the way you can fit regression models using the Bayesian approach in Stata.

In the second part we will show the way you can use the new dtable command to create a table of descriptive statistics, commonly known as "Table 1". We will also demonstrate how to optionally add groups on summary statistics, and then export the table to a variety of file types.


Bingsheng Zhang portrait

Bingsheng Zhang is a Senior Applied Mathematician at StataCorp LLC. He has a PhD in mathematics from Texas A&M University.

Gustavo Sanchez portrait

Gustavo Sánchez is a Senior Econometrician and Director of the Technical Services department at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in econometrics from Southampton University, UK, and he got his PhD in agricultural economics at Texas A&M University. Gustavo worked at the Central Bank of Venezuela, and he was a professor of econometrics at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.

PDF flyers

Browse the Stata flyers below.

Introduction to Stata

Stata overview
Letter   A4

Why Stata
Letter   A4

Stata 18 highlights
Letter   A4

Letter   A4  

Letter   A4  


Bayesian analysis
Letter   A4

Bayesian model averaging
Letter   A4

Causal inference/Treatment effects
Letter   A4

Causal mediation analysis
Letter   A4

Choice models
Letter   A4

Clinical trials
Letter   A4

Customizable tables
Letter   A4

Data frames
Letter   A4

Difference in differences
Letter   A4

Extended regression models (ERMs)
Letter   A4

Finite mixture models (FMMs)
Letter   A4

Group sequential designs
Letter   A4

Interval-censored Cox model
Letter   A4

Item response theory (IRT)
Letter   A4

Lasso: Prediction and inference
Letter   A4

Latent class analysis (LCA)
Letter   A4

Maximum likelihood estimation
Letter   A4

Letter   A4

Multilevel mixed-effects models
Letter   A4

Multiple imputation
Letter   A4

Nonparametric regression
Letter   A4

Panel data
Letter   A4

Power, precision, and sample-size analysis
Letter   A4

Letter   A4

Reproducible and automated reporting
Letter   A4

Reproducibility and backward compatibility
Letter   A4

Spatial autoregressive (SAR) models
Letter   A4

Structural equation modeling (SEM)
Letter   A4

Survey data
Letter   A4

Survival analysis
Letter   A4

Time series
Letter   A4

View all Stata features.


Programming with Stata
Letter   A4

Teaching with Stata
Letter   A4

Tech support
Letter   A4

Stata Press

Author Support Program
Letter   A4

Become a Stata Press® author
Letter   A4

Visit stata-press.com for more information.

Stata Journal

Publish in the Stata Journal
Letter   A4

The Stata Journal
Letter   A4

Visit stata-journal.com for more information.

Supplementary materials