Inside this issue
- In the spotlight: Finding and using results, constants, functions ... anything
- New from Stata Press
- In the spotlight: forecast for dynamic panel data and counterfactuals
- Upcoming conferences
- New from the Stata Bookstore
- Public training courses
- NetCourses
- 2014 Stata Users Group meetings
- 2015 Stata Conference
- The Stata YouTube Channel
In the spotlight: Finding and using results, constants, functions ... anything

Do you ever:
- Forget the name of the function that gives you the tail of the chi-squared distribution?
- Have trouble remembering how to reference a coefficient value in an expression, a test, or a linear combination?
- Have trouble accessing the mean or standard deviation after summarize?
- Need to know the maximum value that will fit in a byte variable?
- Want to see all the operators available in Stata expressions?
- Forget the order of arguments to the combinatorial function?
- Need today's date? Or the current time?
- Create some macros in your session and forget what they are named?
I sometimes do.
What do I do?
New from Stata Press

Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Third Edition
Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables Using Stata, Third Edition, by J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese, is an essential reference for those who use Stata to fit and interpret regression models for categorical data. Although regression models for categorical dependent variables are common, few texts explain how to interpret such models; this text decisively fills the void....

Bayesian Analysis with Stata
Bayesian Analysis with Stata is a complete guide to using Stata for Bayesian analysis. It contains just enough theoretical and foundational material to be useful to all levels of users interested in Bayesian statistics, from neophytes to aficionados....

Probabilité et Statistique pour les Sciences de la Santé: Apprentissage au Moyen du Logiciel Stata
Probabilité et Statistique pour les Sciences de la Santé: Apprentissage au Moyen du Logiciel Stata, par Patrick Taffé, se veut un livre différent de nombreux ouvrages théoriques traitant des probabilités et de la statistique. Cet ouvrage (en français) non seulement présente, de façon rigoureuse, les concepts et méthodes statistiques, mais aussi utilise des exemples concrets pour illustrer chaque concept théorique nouvellement introduit....
In the spotlight: forecast for dynamic panel data and counterfactuals
The new forecast command in Stata 13 allows us to use estimates from models with time-varying components. The command transcends the time-series domain and allows us to compute forecasts in all models that take time-series operators in Stata. For instance, we can use it to compute forecasts after reg3 or after panel-data estimation. In the [TS] Time-Series Reference Manual, there is an example using reg3. I will illustrate an example using dynamic panel-data models....
Upcoming conferences
Don't miss talking with Stata developers as we wrap up our 2014 conference schedule.
APHA 2014 Annual Meeting American Public Health Association November 15–19 New Orleans, LA |
Attending: Rebecca Pope, Health Econometrician Bill Rising, Director of Educational Services |
CAIR 2014 Annual Conference California Association for Institutional Research November 19–21 San Diego, CA |
Attending: Chuck Huber, Senior Statistician |
New from the Stata Bookstore

Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications, Second Edition
The second edition of Propensity Score Analysis is an excellent book on estimating treatment effects from observational data....

Modeling Count Data
Modeling Count Data provides an introduction to analyzing count data....

Heteroskedasticity in Regression: Detection and Correction
Heteroskedasticity in Regression: Detection and Correction is an ideal reference for applied researchers who want to understand the challenges posed by heteroskedasticity and the ways to find and address it....

Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Second Edition
Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Second Edition provides an excellent introduction to Stata for users who have never used statistical analysis software before....

Métodos Quantitativos com Stata
Written in Portuguese, Métodos Quantitativos com Stata contains applied material that is appropriate for a diverse number of users in various fields....

Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software, Second Edition
The second edition of Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software provides an excellent first course in the theory and methods of linear mixed models....
Public training courses
Structural Equation Modeling Using Stata Washington, DC September 18–19, 2014 |
$1,295 |
Using Stata Effectively Washington, DC September 23–24, 2014 October 7–8, 2014 New York City, NY December 8–9, 2014 |
$950 |
Survey Data Analysis Using Stata Washington, DC September 25–26, 2014 |
$1,295 |
Multilevel/Mixed Models Using Stata Washington, DC October 9–10, 2014 |
$1,295 |
Estimating Average Treatment Effects Using Stata Washington, DC October 16–17, 2014 |
$1,295 |
101: Introduction to Stata October 17–November 28, 2014 |
$95 |
151: Introduction to Stata Programming October 17–November 28, 2014 |
$150 |
152: Advanced Stata Programming October 10–November 28, 2014 |
$175 |
461: Introduction to Univariate Time Series with Stata October 10–November 28, 2014 |
$295 |
471: Introduction to Panel Data Using Stata NEW October 17–November 28, 2014 |
$295 |
631: Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata October 10–November 28, 2014 |
$295 |
2014 Stata Users Group meetings
Country | Date | Venue | Cost |
Spain |
October 23 |
Facultad de Medicina Universidad de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain |
€60 regular €30 student |
Mexico |
November 13 |
Marriott Reforma Mexico City, Mexico |
$1,700.00 pesos + VAT (16%) professionals; $850.00 pesos + VAT (16%) students |
Italy |
November 13-14 (workshop November 14) |
NH Milano Touring Milan, Italy |
€95 meeting €400 meeting + workshop; Students 35% off |

The Stata YouTube Channel
A valuable resource, the Stata YouTube channel has videos suited for beginners learning Stata as well as for experienced users just looking for a quick reference....