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On-site training

Survey data analysis using Stata


This course covers how to use Stata for survey data analysis assuming a fixed population. We will begin by reviewing the sampling methods used to collect survey data, and then discuss how they act in the estimation of totals, ratios, and regression coefficients. We will then cover variance estimators implemented in Stata’s survey estimation commands. Strata with a single sampling unit, certainty sampling units, subpopulation estimation, and poststratification will also be covered in some detail. This workshop will combine slides for displaying methods and formulas with an interactive Stata session.

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Course topics

  • Sampling
  • Sampling design characteristics
    • Cluster sampling
    • Stratified sampling
    • Sampling without replacement
  • Regression with survey data
  • Variance estimation
    • Linearization
    • Balanced repeated replication (BRR)
    • Jackknife
  • Special types of sampling units
    • Strata with a single sampling unit
    • Certainty units
  • Restricted sample and subpopulation estimation
  • Poststratification

Learning outcomes

Attendees of this workshop will walk away with the following knowledge:

  • The difference between Stata’s standard estimation commands and svy estimation commands
  • How to create SRS and stratified samples from available lists
  • How to use Stata’s svyset command to identify the survey characteristics present in the dataset. These characteristics include:
    • Sampling units at each sampling stage
    • Strata at each sampling stage
    • Sampling fractions used in the finite population correction when units are sampled with out replacement at each sampling stage
    • Replication weight variables
    • Poststrata and their associated sizes
  • How to handle certainty units
  • The available choices for handling strata with one sampling unit
  • The difference between restricted sample estimation and subpopulation estimation


Knowledge of Stata is not required, but attendees are assumed to have some statistical knowledge, such as what is typically covered in an introductory statistics course. This workshop is geared toward data analysis professionals who are not familiar with the survey data features in Stata.


This is a two-day course. All training courses generally run for eight hours per day and include morning and afternoon breaks and a lunch break. You can arrange a convenient schedule with your instructor and training coordinator.

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