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How can I convert other packages' files to Stata format data files?

Title   Converting other format files into Stata dataset files
Author Kevin Crow, StataCorp

Stata 18 supports importing data in a variety of formats:

import excel reads worksheets from Microsoft Excel (.xls and .xlsx) files.

import delimited reads text files containing data delimited by tabs, commas, or a custom delimiter.

odbc allows you to import data from Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) sources into Stata.

jdbc allows you to import data using Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) into Stata.

infile (fixed format or free format) allows you to read text files containing fixed-format or free-format data.

import sas reads Version 7 SAS (.sas7bdat) files, and will also read value-label information from a .sas7bcat file.

import sasxport8 reads SAS XPORT Version 8 Transport format files.

import sasxport5 will read SAS XPORT Version 5 Transport format files, and will also read value-label information from a formats.xpf XPORT file.

import spss reads IBM SPSS Statistics (.sav and .zsav) files.

import fred reads Federal Reserve Economic Data; you must have a valid API key obtained from the St. Louis Federal Reserve.

import haver (Windows only) reads Haver Analytics database files.

import dbase reads a version III or version IV dBase (.dbf) file.

spshape2dta translates the .dbf and .shp files of a shapefile into two Stata datasets.

Alternatively, you could purchase a separate data conversion package if none of the above options are applicable to the data you wish to import. Before exploring such an option, check the export options of any other package you may be using. Most packages support exporting to some form of text file which Stata can import or one of the above formats.