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User's corner: Visualize Fitbit® data with Stata

Starting with this edition of the Stata News, we present User's corner, a place to highlight interesting, useful, or just plain fun user contributions.

Today more than ever, we are looking for ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Many options are available to track progress toward being more active. Fitbit, one of the popular fitness tracker brands, allows users to record their step count and encourages activity by setting daily goals for the wearer.

For most of us, meeting our daily goal is enough of a success, but Belén Chavez, a business intelligence engineer at a major ecommerce site in Seattle, took it a step further and analyzed her year with Fitbit using Stata.

With Stata's graphing abilities, Chavez tracked her progress throughout 2015 and set specific goals for her activity in 2016.

Read Chavez's blog post »

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