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License Activation Key request and registration

Registering your Stata software is important. As a registered Stata user, you are entitled to technical assistance should you have any questions. By providing your mailing address below, you will be kept informed of any new products or advancements that have been announced.

Please fill in the information below, and we will send your Stata License and Activation Key by the next business day.

Already have your Stata license codes?

If you have previously registered your Stata software, there is no need to re-register.

I have read the license agreement for Stata and agree to all conditions and terms of the license. I request to be registered as an authorized user of Stata. StataCorp has a strict privacy policy.

All fields required.
First name
Last name
Department/Field of Study
Which best describes you?
Email address
Confirm email address
Stata serial number
Postal mailing address
Address line 1
Street address, etc.
Address line 2
Apartment, suite, building, floor, etc.
Postal code or ZIP
Yes, I would like to receive emails regarding the following:

We appreciate that our users do not want to be inundated with email. Those who sign up to receive emails can anticipate receiving no more than a couple in a month. For example, someone who signs up to be informed of Stata Conferences may receive four emails in one year.

To ensure delivery of emails to your inbox, add [email protected] to your address book.


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