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Panelwhiz supports more datasets

PanelWhiz now supports American CPS-MORG, American SIPP, and German IAB-BP large-scale panel datasets in addition to German SOEP and Australian HILDA datasets. PanelWhiz requires Stata/SE or Stata/MP 9.2 or later.

If you are a data provider interested in having your dataset supported by PanelWhiz, please contact the author. PanelWhiz was written by and is available from Dr. John P. Haisken-DeNew of RWI Essen in Germany; see http://www.panelwhiz.eu or send email to [email protected].

Replacing SOEP Menu, which dealt only with SOEP data, PanelWhiz can expand to cover any panel dataset.

PanelWhiz adds a collection of commands that allow you, through a menu in Stata, to directly select variables, observations, etc., and automatically create data retrievals on your computer. Typically, panel datasets contain information spanning many years and can include several hundred data files. With PanelWhiz, when selecting a specific variable, the variable for all possible years is selected and automatically merged. Moreover, PanelWhiz allows you to change your rectangularized data from wide (cross section) to long (panel) format.

PanelWhiz data projects can be saved, edited, changed, or merged, and because they contain metadata and not microdata, they can be shared without data security concerns. PanelWhiz projects can be automatically updated as new panel data releases become available each year. In fact, many data project files are already available for immediate use online. With Internet access, you can automatically check whether new updates of PanelWhiz are available and immediately download them.

Users of PanelWhiz sign a user contract and make a donation directly to UNICEF in the amount per license per year of at least US$20 in North America, £10 in Great Britain, A$20 in Australia, and €20 for Eurozone countries (or its equivalent in all other countries). For more information, documentation, capabilities, and requirements concerning PanelWhiz, see the PanelWhiz website or email the author at [email protected]. Please address all issues concerning obtaining microdata with the respective data providers, as they are the only legal distributors of their data. No proprietary microdata are ever distributed with PanelWhiz.

Users of panel data might also be interested in the companion website http://www.paneldata.eu, which lists all known panel datasets.