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  • Model selection for ARIMA and ARFIMA models

  • AIC, BIC, and HQIC information criteria

Want to find the best ARIMA or ARFIMA model for your data? Compare potential models using AIC, BIC, and HQIC. Use the new arimasoc and arfimasoc commands to select the best number of autoregressive and moving-average terms.

Researchers using autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models must decide on the proper number of lags to include for the autoregressive and moving-average parameters in their models. Information criteria, which balance model fit against model parsimony, often guide the choice of the maximum number of lags.

arimasoc and arfimasoc assist in model selection by fitting a collection of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) or autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA) models and computing information criteria for each model. arimasoc and arfimasoc compute the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and the Hannan–Quinn information criterion (HQIC). The selected model is the one with the lowest value of the information criterion.

Let's see it work

We would like to fit an ARMA model for the output gap. We use arimasoc to fit candidate models with a maximum autoregressive lag of 4 and a maximum moving average lag of 3.

 . webuse usmacro 
(Federal Reserve Economic Data - St. Louis Fed)

 . arimasoc ogap, maxar(4) maxma(3)
Fitting models (20): .................... done

Lag-order selection criteria

Sample: 1954q3 thru 2010q4                        Number of obs = 226
ARMA(0,0) -549.4036 2 1102.807 1109.648 1105.568
ARMA(0,1) -435.0753 3 876.1507 886.4123 880.2919
ARMA(0,2) -361.249 4 730.4981 744.1802 736.0196
ARMA(0,3) -330.844 5 671.6879 688.7906 678.5898
ARMA(1,0) -292.3313 3 590.6625 600.9241 594.8037
ARMA(1,1) -281.5762 4 571.1524 584.8345 576.6739
ARMA(1,2) -275.3697 5 560.7395 577.8422 567.6414
ARMA(1,3) -274.029 6 560.058 580.5812 568.3403
ARMA(2,0) -276.5956 4 561.1912 574.8733 566.7127
ARMA(2,1) -273.9052 5 557.8104 574.9131 564.7123
ARMA(2,2) -273.2799 6 558.5599 579.0831 566.8422
ARMA(2,3) -273.2587 7 560.5174 584.4611 570.1801
ARMA(3,0) -273.2421 5 556.4843 573.587 563.3862
ARMA(3,1) -273.1883 6 558.3766 578.8998 566.6589
ARMA(3,2) -273.0747 7 560.1494 584.0931 569.8121
ARMA(3,3) -272.9944 8 561.9888 589.3531 573.0319
ARMA(4,0) -273.2006 6 558.4012 578.9244 566.6835
ARMA(4,1) -273.0027 7 560.0055 583.9492 569.6682
ARMA(4,2) -273.071 8 562.142 589.5063 573.1851
ARMA(4,3) -272.9868 9 563.9735 594.7584 576.397
Selected (max) LL: ARMA(4,3) Selected (min) AIC: ARMA(3,0) Selected (min) BIC: ARMA(3,0) Selected (min) HQIC: ARMA(3,0)

The output table provides information about each model, including the maximized log likelihood, the number of parameters estimated, and the AIC, BIC, and HQIC.

Below the output table, the selected model from each criterion is listed. The log-likelihood is maximized for the model with the most parameters, the ARMA(4,3). The AIC, BIC, and HQIC all select the more parsimonious ARMA(3,0) model for the output gap. We can now fit our selected model

. arima ogap, arima(3,0,0)
  (output omitted)

and proceed to investigate model predictions, forecasts, etc.

Fitting an ARFIMA model instead of an ARIMA model? Instead of typing

. arimasoc y, maxvar(4) maxma(3)

you type

. arfimasoc y, maxvar(4) maxma(3)

Tell me more

Read more about ARIMA and ARFIMA model selection in the Stata Time-Series Reference Manual; see [TS] arimasoc and [TS] arfimasoc.

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