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Course leaders

Isabel Canette

Introduction to survival analysis using Stata

Isabel Canette is a Principal Mathematician and Statistician at StataCorp LLC. She has a PhD in mathematics from Universidad de la República, Uruguay. She has worked for StataCorp for more than 15 years, and she enjoys interacting with Stata users from all over the world and with diverse backgrounds. She performs research for different developement projects, mainly in the areas of survival analysis and multilevel models.

Chris Cheng

Introduction to panel data using Stata

Chris Cheng is a Senior Econometrician at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in economics and a PhD in agricultural and managerial economics from Texas A&M University. He has worked with technical support since 2019. Chris frequently interacts with users about technical questions and gives webinars and training courses. His interests focus on demand analysis, panel-data analysis, and other econometrics.

Miguel Dorta

Univariate time series with Stata

Miguel Dorta is a Senior Statistician at StataCorp LLC and has worked on technical support since 2011. He has a bachelor's degree in statistics from Universidad Central de Venezuela, a master's degree in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, and a master's degree in agricultural economics from Texas A&M University. His research interest focuses on time-series analysis, forecasting, econometrics, and multiple imputation.

Kerry Kammire

Introduction to Stata
Statistical graphics using Stata
Introduction to Stata programming
Writing your own Stata commands

Kerry Kammire has worked at StataCorp LLC for over a decade. He teaches courses and provides technical support as a Senior Technical Services Analyst. Kerry specializes in programming, data management, and the Mata matrix language.

Jamie Lai

Introduction to panel data using Stata

Jamie Lai is a Staff Statistician at StataCorp LLC. She holds a master’s degree in statistics and a PhD in agricultural economics from Texas A&M University. Jamie has provided technical support and given introductory webinars to Stata’s users since 2020. Her interests focus on panel-data analysis and other econometrics.

Joerg Luedicke

Introduction to survival analysis using Stata

Joerg Luedicke is a Senior Social Scientist and Software Developer at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in sociology from Free University Berlin, Germany, and a PhD in sociology from Bielefeld University, Germany. Prior to joining StataCorp, he held positions as a research scientist and statistician at Free University Berlin, Bielefeld University, and Yale University. His interests lie in nonparametric statistics, survival analysis, discrete choice models, and causal inference.

Mia Lv

Introduction to survival analysis using Stata

Mia Lv is a Senior Statistician at StataCorp LLC. She holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, where she studied the statistical properties of stochastic failures on complex networks. Mia joined Stata's Technical Services group in 2017. She loves to interact with Stata users, and she is passionate about helping users achieve their goals in data analysis. Mia frequently develops technical FAQs based on interesting questions raised by our users. She also gives webinars on different topics. Her interests include survival analysis, meta-analysis, survey data analysis, and customizable tables.

Enrique Pinzón

Introduction to panel data using Stata

Enrique Pinzón is the Director, Econometrics and part of the statistical development team at StataCorp LLC. He teaches a variety of Stata courses and is a frequent contributor to The Stata Blog. He holds a master's degree in economics from the Universidad de los Andes and a PhD from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Gustavo Sánchez

Univariate time series with Stata
Introduction to panel data using Stata

Gustavo Sánchez is a Senior Econometrician and Director of the Technical Services department at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in econometrics from Southampton University, UK, and he got his PhD in agricultural economics at Texas A&M University. Gustavo worked at the Central Bank of Venezuela, and he was a professor of econometrics at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Derek Wagner

Introduction to Stata
Statistical graphics using Stata
Introduction to Stata programming
Writing your own Stata commands

Derek Wagner is a Senior Technical Services Analyst at StataCorp LLC. He graduated from Texas A&M University with a BBA in management and also has a master's degree from the University of Washington in infrastructure planning. Derek specializes in Stata graphics and data management.

Bingsheng Zhang

Introduction to Stata
Statistical graphics using Stata

Bingsheng Zhang is a Senior Applied Mathematician at StataCorp LLC. He has a PhD in mathematics from Texas A&M University.