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Statistical subroutines providers in C, FORTRAN, etc.

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Below are the links to providers of statistical subroutines written in C, FORTRAN, and other such languages. This list is brought to you by  Stata  www.stata.com

For links to ready-to-run statistical packages, see Links to statistical software providers.

Cahill Software
MLE++: a C++ class library for econometrics
IMSL Numerical Libraries
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Biomathematics and Biostatistics
Free Code Archive
Numerical Algorithms Group
Numerical libraries, NAGWare, etc.
SoftIntegration, Inc.
Ch: Embeddable C/C++ interpreter, compiler for numerical computing

The above list does not include subroutines written in or for GAUSS, Maple, MATLAB, SAS, S-Plus, Stata, etc. For those, see the statistical software providers page and visit the site for the particular package. They will provide the appropriate links.

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and that URL, along with the topic, statistical subroutines providers in C, FORTRAN, etc., will not be changed. This list will be kept up to date and broken links will be fixed as rapidly as possible, which typically means the same business day.