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Sometimes, we would like to test for the association of two categorical variables, but we do not have the raw data. We can use a summary table to calculate many tests of association using Stata's tabi command.

The command is followed by the cell counts in the first row with each column separated by a space. We begin a new row using the backslash, \ character followed by the cell counts in the second row, and so forth.

The example below creates a 3x2 table along with the marginal counts and computes a Pearson chi-squared statistic by default.

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14

row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
2 150 16 166
3 59 14 73
Total 489 44 533
Pearson chi2(2) = 16.6563 Pr = 0.000

The output displays the table, the two degrees-of-freedom Pearson's chi-squared statistic (16.66) and the p-value (0.000).

There are many options we can use to display other statistics and cell contents. For example, Pearson's chi-squared statistic is calculated using the expected count in each cell. We could calculate the expected cell count for cell [1,1] by multiplying the first row total (294) by the first column total (489) and dividing the table total (533).

. display (294*489)/533

Or we could use the expected option to calculate the expected cell count for each cell.

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, expected

expected frequency
row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
269.7 24.3 294.0
2 150 16 166
152.3 13.7 166.0
3 59 14 73
67.0 6.0 73.0
Total 489 44 533
489.0 44.0 533.0

The observed and expected cell counts can be used to calculate the contribution of each cell to the chi-squared statistic. The calculation for cell [1,1] is

. display ((280 - 269.7)^2)/269.7

Or we could use the cchi2 option to calculate the contribution of each cell and use the chi2 option to calculate the total chi-squared statistic.

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, expected cchi2 chi2

expected frequency
chi2 contribution
row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
269.7 24.3 294.0
0.0 0.4 4.7
2 150 16 166
152.3 13.7 166.0
0.0 0.4 0.4
3 59 14 73
67.0 6.0 73.0
0.9 10.6 11.5
Total 489 44 533
489.0 44.0 533.0
1.4 15.3 16.7
Pearson chi2(2) = 16.6563 Pr = 0.000

There are options for computing other tests and measures of association such as Fisher's exact test (exact), the likelihood-ratio chi-squared (lrchi2), Goodman and Kruskal's gamma (gamma), Kendall's tau-b (taub), and Cramér's V (V).

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, exact gamma lrchi2 taub V

Enumerating sample-space combinations:
stage 3:  enumerations = 1
stage 2:  enumerations = 16
stage 1:  enumerations = 0

row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
2 150 16 166
3 59 14 73
Total 489 44 533
Likelihood-ratio chi2(2) = 14.5649 Pr = 0.001 Cramér's V = 0.1768 gamma = 0.4614 ASE = 0.106 Kendall's tau-b = 0.1575 ASE = 0.044 Fisher's exact = 0.000

You can also report relative frequencies within each cell,

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, cell

cell percentage
row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
52.53 2.63 55.16
2 150 16 166
28.14 3.00 31.14
3 59 14 73
11.07 2.63 13.70
Total 489 44 533
91.74 8.26 100.00

within-column relative frequencies,

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, column

column percentage
row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
57.26 31.82 55.16
2 150 16 166
30.67 36.36 31.14
3 59 14 73
12.07 31.82 13.70
Total 489 44 533
100.00 100.00 100.00

or within-row relative frequencies,

. tabi 280 14 \ 150 16 \ 59 14, row

row percentage
row 1 2 Total
1 280 14 294
95.24 4.76 100.00
2 150 16 166
90.36 9.64 100.00
3 59 14 73
80.82 19.18 100.00
Total 489 44 533
91.74 8.26 100.00

You can watch a demonstration of these commands by clicking on the link to the YouTube video below. You can read more about these commands by clicking on the links to the Stata manual entries below.

Tell me more

Read more in the Stata Base Reference Manual; see [R] tabulate twoway .