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The Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive, hosted by Boston College (USA) and maintained by Christopher F. Baum, is the largest collection of community-contributed Stata features for data manipulation, statistics, and graphics. Existing Stata commands search, ssc describe, and ssc install make locating and installing community-contributed programs a snap.

Find out what other users are downloading on the SSC archive

Now you can see what other users are finding most useful on the SSC archive. Just type

. ssc whatshot

Stata command ssc whatshot lists the most popular community-contributed packages available for download at the SSC. By default, the top ten packages are listed. Typing ssc whatshot, n(15) would list the top fifteen. Typing ssc whatshot, author(cox) would list the top ten packages written by people named Cox. Popularity is based on a moving average of the number of downloads in the past three months.

Here’s “What’s Hot” on SSC as of March 2024:

Top 10 packages at SSC
Rank # of hits Package Author(s)
1 85662.3 outreg2 Roy Wada
2 66817.8 estout Ben Jann
3 58300.0 winsor2 Yujun Lian
4 48010.2 reghdfe Sergio Correia
5 46171.0 asdoc Yujun Lian
6 42027.7 unique Tony Brady
7 41677.0.7 winsor Nicholas J. Cox
8 30420.7 ftools Sergio Correia
9 27540.0 logout Roy Wada
10 22878.0 coefplot Ben Jann

In Stata, you can click on the name of a package to learn more about it.