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Metrika Consulting AB
Birger Jarlsgatan 2, 5th floor
11434 Stockholm

Tel: +46-8-7924747

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Stata's user interface is now available in Swedish. This
includes all menu items, dialogs, window titles/labels, etc.
We would like to thank Metrika, our distributor in
the Nordic countries and Baltic states, for the Swedish translation.


Metrika Consulting is the Stata distributor for Northern Europe. Founded in 1990, Metrika was the first distributor of Stata outside of the United States. The staff at Metrika are experienced Stata users and have an extensive background in statistically oriented research that allows them to provide Stata users with the technical support and advice they need. In addition to Stata sales, Metrika organizes Stata conferences and Stata courses and offers various Stata-related consultancy services.