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Customize reproducible tables using Stata


Presenting results effectively is a crucial step in statistical analyses. With new features introduced in Stata 17 and 18, you can now create publication-quality tables using Stata’s built-in tools. These tools include the reimagined table command, the new etable command, the new dtable command, and the new collect suite of commands. These are all based on the collect system and can be used independently or collaboratively.

In this course, you will learn how to incorporate results such as summary statistics or regression results into tables and into complete reports. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to customize the layout, formatting, and style of tables and export them to Word®, Excel®, LaTeX, HTML, and other formats. You will also be able to incorporate tables into full reports, including Stata results, graphs, and customized text in Word and Excel.

Price: $1,395  

We offer a 15% discount for group enrollments of three or more participants.

Course leader

Chris Cheng portrait

Chris Cheng is a Senior Econometrician at StataCorp LLC. He has a master's degree in economics and a PhD in agricultural and managerial economics from Texas A&M University. He has worked with technical support since 2019. Chris frequently interacts with users about technical questions and gives webinars and training courses. His interests focus on demand analysis, panel-data analysis, and other econometrics.

Course topics

  • Create reproducible tables of summary statistics, regression results, and other statistics using the table and collect commands.
  • Create quick tables of estimation results using etable.
  • Create quick tables of descriptive statistics using dtable.
  • Create tables of composite results, i.e., Coef (SE).
  • Modify table layout, labels, fonts, numeric format, borders, and more.
  • Export customized tables to Word, Excel, LaTeX, PDF, HTML, or Markdown.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the collect system for creating tables. Learn about the concepts of dimensions, levels, and tagging. Use these skills to create complex, automated tables.


There is no requirement that the user already have a Stata license; however, participants will need access to Word, Excel, and a PDF reader.

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Enrollment is limited. This course may be offered in a classroom or web-based setting. The type (classroom or web-based) will be designated above when scheduled.

Classroom training courses are two-day courses that run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. These courses take place at a training center where computers with Stata installed are provided. A continental breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack will also be provided.

Web-based training courses are four-day courses that run for four hours each day. You will be provided with a temporary Stata license to install on your computer, a printed copy of the course notes, and all the course datasets so that you can easily follow along. Learn more about how our web-based training courses work, watch a video demonstration, and find technical requirements for participating in this type of training.