The 4th Belgian Stata Conference takes place spring 2025 at the Faculty of Economics and Business of KU Leuven in Brussels.
The conference provides Stata users from across Belgium and the world the opportunity to share experiences with the software, to present their applied research, and to share information on new commands. Anyone interested in Stata is welcome. The conference language will be English.
The conference aims to welcome two types of presentations:
For examples of past presentations, view the proceedings page.
You are welcome to forward this call for presentations to everyone who could be interested in this initiative. Please email the title and an extended abstract or a full paper of your presentation to [email protected].
Include your name, affiliation, and phone number. If your presentation has multiple authors, please identify the presenter.
The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2025.
Hua Peng
Dr. Hua Peng is the Executive Director, Software Engineering and Data Science at StataCorp LLC. He has been with Stata for almost 20 years and is the primary architect and developer of Stata/MP. He has a PhD in mathematics from Brandeis University.
The logistics organizer for the 2025 Belgian Stata Conference is Ritme, scientific solutions, the official distributor of Stata in Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland.
View the proceedings of previous Stata Conferences and international meetings.