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Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Third Edition

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Kyle C. Longest
Publisher: Sage Publications
Copyright: 2019
ISBN-13: 978-1-5443-1852-3
Pages: 280; paperback
Kyle C. Longest
Publisher: Sage Publications
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 280; eBook
Price: $0.00
Kyle C. Longest
Publisher: Sage Publications
Copyright: 2019
Pages: 280; Kindle
Price: $

Comment from the Stata technical group

Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis, Third Edition, by Kyle C. Longest, provides an excellent introduction to Stata for users who have never used statistical analysis software before. The book starts at square one, describing Stata's interface, how to import data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, and how to use the Data Editor. Subsequent chapters show how to obtain descriptive statistics, create do-files, manage data, produce graphs, and perform basic analyses using analysis of variance and linear regression.

Longest's book is noteworthy because it carefully blends Stata's menu system and dialog boxes on one hand and command syntax on the other, giving users a balanced view of how Stata can be used. The book sets aside more advanced details in boxes titled "A Closer Look", which can be skipped on first reading but provide additional information that users will want to know once they are comfortable with the basics.

The third edition has been updated for Stata 15. New in this edition are overviews of merging and appending data and a demonstration of logistic regression.

This book can be used as a supplemental textbook in both undergraduate and graduate social science courses on statistical methods to help students learn how to use Stata. Practitioners needing to learn Stata quickly will also find this book helpful.

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