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Reporting Reference Manual

Publisher:  Stata Press
Copyright:  2023
ISBN-13:  978-1-59718-396-3
Pages:  217
Suggested citation

StataCorp. 2023. Stata 18 Reporting Reference Manual. College Station, TX: Stata Press.

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Reporting Reference Manual for Stata
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Table of contents

Intro Introduction to reporting manual

docx2pdf Convert a Word (.docx) document to a PDF file

Dynamic documents intro Introduction to dynamic documents
Dynamic tags Dynamic tags for text files
dyndoc Convert dynamic Markdown document to HTML or Word (.docx) document
dyntext Process Stata dynamic tags in text file

html2docx Convert an HTML file to a Word (.docx) document

markdown Convert Markdown document to HTML file or Word (.docx) document

putdocx intro Introduction to generating Office Open XML (.docx) files
putdocx begin Create an Office Open XML (.docx) file
putdocx collect Add a table from a collection to an Office Open XML (.docx) file
putdocx pagebreak Add breaks to an Office Open XML (.docx) file
putdocx paragraph Add text or images to an Office Open XML (.docx) file
putdocx table Add tables to an Office Open XML (.docx) file
Appendix for putdocx Appendix for putdocx entries

putexcel Export results to an Excel file
putexcel advanced Export results to an Excel file using advanced syntax

putpdf intro Introduction to generating PDF files
putpdf begin Create a PDF file
putpdf collect Add a table from a collection to a PDF file
putpdf pagebreak Add breaks to a PDF file
putpdf paragraph Add text or images to a PDF file
putpdf table Add tables to a PDF file
Appendix for putpdf Appendix for putpdf entries

set docx Format settings for blocks of text


Combined author index
Combined subject index