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Methods in Epidemiologic Research

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Ian Dohoo, Wayne Martin, and Henrik Stryhn
Publisher: VER Inc
Copyright: 2012
ISBN-13: 978-0-919013-73-5
Pages: 890; hardcover
Price: $0.00
Ian Dohoo, Wayne Martin, and Henrik Stryhn
Publisher: VER Inc
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 890; eBook
Ian Dohoo, Wayne Martin, and Henrik Stryhn
Publisher: VER Inc
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 890; Kindle

Review on Amazon.com

Supplements:Datasets and do-files

Comment from the Stata technical group

In Methods in Epidemioloic Research, Ian Dohoo, Wayne Martin, and Henrik Stryhn have created a comprehensive handbook about all facets of the subject. They converted their popular book about veterinary research to one about human popuations, with the corresponding gain that cross-pollination of specialties brings.

The book covers a wide breadth of topics—from design of studies through statistical analysis to effective communication of results. It emphasizes the need to truly show causality rather than association, explaining tools for this in both, the design and the analysis stages of a study. It covers standard statistical methods, both basic and advanced, including introductions to spatial and Bayesian analysis methods.

The book is not biased to any statistical software, but all the datasets and do-files used for the computations in the examples are available from upei.ca/mer/data-and-samples.

Those with a statistical background can use it to learn to speak the language of epidemiologists; those with an epidemiologic background can use it to learn to speak the language of statisticians. Each chapter has an extensive and up-to-date bibliography, which allows you to use the book as in-depth self-teaching tool.

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