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Listed alphabetically by author's last name. See books listed alphabetically by title.

Environmental Econometrics Using Stata
Christopher F. Baum and Stan Hurn

Event History Analysis With Stata, Second Edition
Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Götz Rohwer, and Thorsten Schneider

Financial Econometrics Using Stata
Simona Boffelli and Giovanni Urga

An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Revised Third Edition
Mario Cleves, William W. Gould, and Yulia V. Marchenko

Speaking Stata Graphics
Nicholas J. Cox

Health Econometrics Using Stata
Partha Deb, Edward C. Norton, Willard G. Manning

Generalized Linear Models and Extensions, Fourth Edition
James W. Hardin and Joseph M. Hilbe

Logistic Regression Models
Joseph M. Hilbe

Applied Health Economics, Second Edition
Andrew Jones, Nigel Rice, Teresa Bago d’Uva, and Silvia Balia

A Stata Companion for the Fundamentals of Social Research
Paul M. Kellstedt, Guy D. Whitten, Steven A. Tuch

Data Analysis Using Stata, Third Edition
Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter

A Practitioner's Guide to Stochastic Frontier Analysis Using Stata
Subal C. Kumbhakar, Hung-Jen Wang, and Alan P. Horncastle

Stata for the Behavioral Sciences
Michael N. Mitchell

Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods Using Stata
Erik Mooi, Marko Sarstedt, and Irma Mooi-Reci

Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata, Fifth Edition
Jeffrey Pitblado, Brian Poi, and William Gould

A Stata Companion to Political Analysis, Fourth Edition
Philip H. Pollock III and Barry C. Edwards

A Course in Item Response Theory and Modeling with Stata
Tenko Raykov and George A. Marcoulides

Biostatistics in Public Health Using Stata
Erick L. Suárez, Cynthia M. Pérez, Graciela M. Nogueras, and Camille Moreno-Gorrín

Survey Weights: A Step-by-Step Guide to Calculation
Richard Valliant and Jill A. Dever

Statistics Using Stata: An Integrative Approach, Third Edition
Sharon Lawner Weinberg, Sarah Knapp, and Daphna Harel

Statistics for Social Understanding: With Stata and SPSS
Nancy Whittier, Tina Wildhagen, and Howard J. Gold

Books in other languages


Métodos Quantitativos com Stata
Luiz Paulo Fávero, Patrícia Belfíore, Renata Turola Takamatsu, and Janilson Suzart


Cuadernos Metodológicos Análisis de datos con Stata, Tercera Edición
Modesto Escobar Mercado, Enrique Fernández Macías, y Fabrizio Bernardi


Aplicaciones en Economía y Ciencias Sociales con Stata
Alfonso Mendoza Velázquez (editor)