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Stata for Linux


Stata for Linux includes

Stata for Linux comes in three editions:

  • Stata/MP
  • Stata/SE
  • Stata/BE

For details, see Which Stata is right for me?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which Stata is right for me?
  • Will Stata run on my computer?
  • Is there a version of Stata for Linux?
    Yes. Tested and supported operating systems include Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Ubuntu, Fedora, and others. If in doubt, contact us with the name of your Linux distribution and release number to verify.
  • I've heard that Stata for Linux requires X Windows. Is that true?
    Almost. If you want to be able to see the graphs you draw, you must have X Windows; otherwise, Stata will run fine without it. Graphs can be exported to PostScript with or without X Windows.
  • Can I trade datasets with my friends who use Stata for Windows?
    Yes. A Stata dataset created on Linux can be used, without translation, on any computer running Stata and vice versa. Yes, we understand the issues with byte order and how, in ASCII files, lines are terminated. We repeat: Any Stata dataset created on any computer can be used on any other computer without translation. The same goes for graphs, programs, and any other file Stata uses or produces.
  • Can my copy of Stata run on both my Linux desktop and Windows laptop?
    Yes. Stata licenses are not platform specific so you can use your license to install Stata on any of the supported platforms.