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What is SEM?

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SEM stands for structural equation modeling. SEM is a notation for specifying structural equations, a way of thinking about them, and methods for estimating their parameters.

SEM encompasses a broad array of models from linear regression to measurement models to simultaneous equations, including along the way confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), correlated uniqueness models, latent growth models, and multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC).

Stata’s sem fits linear SEMs, and its features are described below. gsem provides extensions to linear SEMs that allow for generalized-linear models and multilevel models.


  • Use GUI or command language to specify model.

  • Standardized and unstandardized results.

  • Direct and indirect effects.

  • Goodness-of-fit statistics.

  • Tests for omitted paths and tests of model simplification including modification indices, score tests, and Wald tests.

  • Predicted values and factor scores.

  • Linear and nonlinear (1) tests of estimated parameters and (2) combinations of estimated parameters with CIs.

  • Estimation across groups is as easy as adding group(sex) to the command. Test for group invariance. Easily add or relax constraints across groups.

  • SEMs may be fitted using raw or summary statistics data.

  • Maximum likelihood (ML) and asymptotic distribution free (ADF) estimation. ADF is also known as generalized method of moments (GMM). Missing at random (MAR) data supported via FIML.

  • Robust estimate of standard errors and standard errors for clustered samples available.

  • Support for survey data including sampling weights, stratification and poststratification, and clustered sampling at one or more levels.

SEM Builder or commands, it’s your choice

Enter your model graphically,

or use the command syntax

. sem (L1 -> m1 m2)
      (L2 -> m3 m4)
      (L3 <- L1 L2)
      (L3 -> m5 m6 m7)

It’s the same model either way.

Stata’s SEM Builder uses standard path notation.

In command syntax, you type the path diagram. Capitalized names are latent variables. Lowercased names are observed variables. You can type arrows in either direction. The above model could be equally well typed as

. sem (m1 m2 <- L1)
      (L2 -> m3 m4)
      (L3 <- L1 L2)
      (L3 -> m5 m6 m7)

and order does not matter, and neither does spacing:

. sem (m1 m2 <- L1) (L2 -> m3 m4) (L3 -> m5 m6 m7) (L3 <- L1 L2)

You can specify paths individually,

. sem (m1 <- L1) (m2 <- L1) (L2 -> m3) (L2 -> m4)  (L3 -> m5) (L3 -> m6) (L3 -> m7) (L3 <- L1) (L3 <- L2)

or combined,

. sem (m1 m2 <- L1) (L2 -> m3 m4) (L3 -> m5 m6 m7) (L3 <- L1 L2)

Let's see it work

Let’s fit a structural model with a measurement component using data from Wheaton, Muthén, Alwin, and Summers (1977):

. webuse sem_sm2, clear
(Structural model with measurement component)

. ssd describe

  Summary statistics data from https://www.stata-press.com/data/r17/sem_sm2.dta
  Observations:             932          Structural model with measurem..
     Variables:              13          25 May 2020 11:45
                                         (_dta has notes)
Variable name Variable label
educ66 Education, 1966 occstat66 Occupational status, 1966 anomia66 Anomia, 1966 pwless66 Powerlessness, 1966 socdist66 Latin American social distance, 1966 occstat67 Occupational status, 1967 anomia67 Anomia, 1967 pwless67 Powerlessness, 1967 socdist67 Latin American social distance, 1967 occstat71 Occupational status, 1971 anomia71 Anomia, 1971 pwless71 Powerlessness, 1971 socdist71 Latin American social distance, 1971
. notes _dta: 1. Summary statistics data from Wheaton, B., Muthen B., Alwin, D., & Summers, G., 1977, "Assessing reliability and stability in panel models", in D. R. Heise (Ed.), _Sociological Methodology 1977_ (pp. 84-136), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. 2. Four indicators each measured in 1966, 1967, and 1981, plus another indicator (educ66) measured only in 1966. 3. Intended use: Create structural model relating Alienation in 1971, Alienation in 1967, and SES in 1966.

Below we will demonstrate

Show me, fitting the model

Simplified versions of the model fit by the authors of the referenced paper appear in many SEM software manuals. One simplified model is

You can also readily fit this model using the following command:

. sem    
   (anomia67 pwless67 <- Alien67)          /// measurement piece
   (anomia71 pwless71 <- Alien71)          /// measurement piece
   (Alien67 <- SES)                        /// structural piece
   (Alien71 <- Alien67 SES)                /// structural piece
   (    SES -> educ occstat66), nolog      /// measurement piece

And the results are

Endogenous variables
  Measurement: anomia67 pwless67 anomia71 pwless71 educ66 occstat66
  Latent:      Alien67 Alien71

Exogenous variables
  Latent: SES

Structural equation model                                  Number of obs = 932
Estimation method: ml

Log likelihood = -15246.469

 ( 1)  [anomia67]Alien67 = 1
 ( 2)  [anomia71]Alien71 = 1
 ( 3)  [educ66]SES = 1
Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
SES -.6140404 .0562407 -10.92 0.000 -.7242701 -.5038107
Alien67 .7046342 .0533512 13.21 0.000 .6000678 .8092007
SES -.1744153 .0542489 -3.22 0.001 -.2807413 -.0680894
Alien67 1 (constrained)
_cons 13.61 .1126205 120.85 0.000 13.38927 13.83073
Alien67 .8884887 .0431565 20.59 0.000 .8039034 .9730739
_cons 14.67 .1001798 146.44 0.000 14.47365 14.86635
Alien71 1 (constrained)
_cons 14.13 .1158943 121.92 0.000 13.90285 14.35715
Alien71 .8486022 .0415205 20.44 0.000 .7672235 .9299808
_cons 14.9 .1034537 144.03 0.000 14.69723 15.10277
SES 1 (constrained)
_cons 10.9 .1014894 107.40 0.000 10.70108 11.09892
SES 5.331259 .4307503 12.38 0.000 4.487004 6.175514
_cons 37.49 .6947112 53.96 0.000 36.12839 38.85161
var(e.anomia67) 4.009921 .3582978 3.365724 4.777416
var(e.pwless67) 3.187468 .283374 2.677762 3.794197
var(e.anomia71) 3.695593 .3911512 3.003245 4.54755
var(e.pwless71) 3.621531 .3037908 3.072483 4.268693
var(e.educ66) 2.943819 .5002527 2.109908 4.107319
var(e.occstat66) 260.63 18.24572 227.2139 298.9605
var(e.Alien67) 5.301416 .483144 4.434225 6.338201
var(e.Alien71) 3.737286 .3881546 3.048951 4.581019
var(SES) 6.65587 .6409484 5.511067 8.038482
LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(6) = 71.62 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000


  1. Measurement component: In both 1967 and 1971 anomia and powerlessness are used to measure endogenous latent variables representing Alienation for the same two years. Education and occupational status are used to measure the exogenous latent variable SES.

  2. Structural component: SES->Alien67 and SES->Alien71, and Alien67->Alien71.

  3. The model vs. saturated chi-squared test indicates the model is a poor fit.

Show me, modification indices

That the model is a poor fit leads us to looking at the modification indices:

. estat mindices

Modification indices
anomia71 51.977 1 0.00 .3906425 .4019984
pwless71 32.517 1 0.00 -.2969297 -.2727609
educ66 5.627 1 0.02 .0935048 .0842631
anomia71 41.618 1 0.00 -.3106995 -.3594367
pwless71 23.622 1 0.00 .2249714 .2323233
educ66 6.441 1 0.01 -.0889042 -.0900664
anomia67 58.768 1 0.00 .429437 .4173061
pwless67 38.142 1 0.00 -.3873066 -.3347904
anomia67 46.188 1 0.00 -.3308484 -.3601641
pwless67 27.760 1 0.00 .2871709 .2780833
anomia67 4.415 1 0.04 .1055965 .1171781
pwless67 6.816 1 0.01 -.1469371 -.1450411
cov(e.anomia67,e.anomia71) 63.786 1 0.00 1.951578 .5069627
cov(e.anomia67,e.pwless71) 49.892 1 0.00 -1.506704 -.3953794
cov(e.anomia67,e.educ66) 6.063 1 0.01 .5527612 .1608845
cov(e.pwless67,e.anomia71) 49.876 1 0.00 -1.534199 -.4470094
cov(e.pwless67,e.pwless71) 37.357 1 0.00 1.159123 .341162
cov(e.pwless67,e.educ66) 7.752 1 0.01 -.5557802 -.1814365
EPC is expected parameter change.


  1. There are lots of statistically significant paths we could add to the model.

  2. Some of those statistically significant paths also make theoretical sense.

  3. Two in particular that make sense are the covariances between e.anomia67 and e.anomia71, and between e.pwless67 and e.pwless71.

Show me, refitting the model

Let’s refit the model and include those two previously excluded covariances:

. sem                        
   (anomia67 pwless67 <- Alien67)          /// measurement piece
   (anomia71 pwless71 <- Alien71)          /// measurement piece
   (Alien67 <- SES)                        /// structural piece
   (Alien71 <- Alien67 SES)                /// structural piece
   (    SES -> educ occstat66)             /// measurement piece
          , cov(e.anomia67*e.anomia71)       
          cov(e.pwless67*e.pwless71) nolog

And the results are

Endogenous variables
  Measurement: anomia67 pwless67 anomia71 pwless71 educ66 occstat66
  Latent:      Alien67 Alien71

Exogenous variables
  Latent: SES

Structural equation model                                  Number of obs = 932
Estimation method: ml

Log likelihood = -15213.046

 ( 1)  [anomia67]Alien67 = 1
 ( 2)  [anomia71]Alien71 = 1
 ( 3)  [educ66]SES = 1
Coefficient std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval]
SES -.5752228 .057961 -9.92 0.000 -.6888244 -.4616213
Alien67 .606954 .0512305 11.85 0.000 .5065439 .707364
SES -.2270301 .0530773 -4.28 0.000 -.3310596 -.1230006
Alien67 1 (constrained)
_cons 13.61 .1126143 120.85 0.000 13.38928 13.83072
Alien67 .9785952 .0619825 15.79 0.000 .8571117 1.100079
_cons 14.67 .1001814 146.43 0.000 14.47365 14.86635
Alien71 1 (constrained)
_cons 14.13 .1159036 121.91 0.000 13.90283 14.35717
Alien71 .9217508 .0597225 15.43 0.000 .8046968 1.038805
_cons 14.9 .1034517 144.03 0.000 14.69724 15.10276
SES 1 (constrained)
_cons 10.9 .1014894 107.40 0.000 10.70108 11.09892
SES 5.22132 .425595 12.27 0.000 4.387169 6.055471
_cons 37.49 .6947112 53.96 0.000 36.12839 38.85161
var(e.anom~67) 4.728874 .456299 3.914024 5.713365
var(e.pwle~67) 2.563413 .4060733 1.879225 3.4967
var(e.anom~71) 4.396081 .5171156 3.490904 5.535966
var(e.pwle~71) 3.072085 .4360333 2.326049 4.057398
var(e.educ66) 2.803674 .5115854 1.960691 4.009091
var(e.occs~66) 264.5311 18.22483 231.1177 302.7751
var(e.Alien67) 4.842059 .4622537 4.015771 5.838364
var(e.Alien71) 4.084249 .4038995 3.364613 4.957802
var(SES) 6.796014 .6524866 5.630283 8.203105
e.anomia71) 1.622024 .3154267 5.14 0.000 1.003799 2.240249
e.pwless71) .3399961 .2627541 1.29 0.196 -.1749925 .8549847
LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(4) = 4.78 Prob > chi2 = 0.3111


  1. We find the covariance between e.anomia67 and e.anomia71 to be significant(Z=5.14).

  2. We find the covariance between e.pwless67 and e.pwless71 to be insignificant at the 5% level (Z=1.29).