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Customer service

Register your Stata software

Registering your Stata software is important. As a registered Stata user, you are entitled to free technical assistance should you have any questions.

Are you moving?

Keep your registration information current. Please update our records.

Change registration

If your company has had staff changes, update your Stata registration information.

Evaluate Stata

An evaluation license is a time-limited license that allows you to explore all the features of the full version of Stata

Free newsletter subscription

The Stata News is an electronic, periodic publication containing announcements of new releases and updates, training schedules, new books, Users Group meetings, new products, and other announcements of interest to Stata users. Subscribe for free.


Sign up to receive email alerts for new releases, free webinars, Stata Press books, Stata News, Users Group meetings, or public training courses.

Join Statalist, the Stata Forum

Statalist is a free forum where over 50,000 Stata experts and neophytes maintain a lively dialogue about all things statistical and Stata.

You can join and it’s absolutely free. You do not have to own Stata to join Statalist.

Contact us

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