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Windows 98/95/NT updates

Stata 5 for Windows 98/95/NT — 15 May 1998 update:

Flavor Filename
Intercooled Stata WSTATA.BIN for WSTATA.EXE
Pseudo-Intercooled Stata WSTATANC.BIN for WSTATANC.EXE

Which update do I have installed?


  1. You must already have Stata 5 for Windows installed on your computer. Be sure that you are not currently running Stata.
  2. Click to copy one or more of the files above. Save the file in C:\STATA (i.e., wherever you installed Stata). Do not change the filename.
  3. Exit your browser (if you wish).
  4. Go to your Stata directory C:\STATA or wherever you previously installed Stata. Assume you downloaded WSTATA.BIN. Then,

    • Rename the old WSTATA.EXE to WSTATA.OLD.
    • Rename the new WSTATA.BIN to WSTATA.EXE.
  5. Try Stata. (You do not have to reinitialize your license or reinstall Stata.)
  6. If there are no transmission errors, it will work. You can erase the old executable when you wish.

Update log

15 May 1998
  • window dialog update now clears edit controls properly under Windows NT.
  • The Log... button now reports an error if the user attempts to open a read-only log for writing.
  • Control-key shortcuts for the buttons on Stata's toolbar have been disabled to prevent international versions of Windows NT 4.0 from telling Stata the Ctrl key was down when really only the Alt Gr key was down.
14 Oct 1997
  • xtgee, xtpois, and xtprobit have been updated to deal with groups containing one observation (singletons) correctly. This bug was was discovered by Donna Speigelman who reported it on the S-News listserver concerning S-plus. She also wrote,

    "This problem appears to be present in some other versions of GEE solvers (PROC GENMOD, stata xtgee). The problem is NOT present in the SAS IML macro that has been maintained for some time by Dr. Ulrike Groemping."

    We have verified the the presence of the bug in Stata. Estimation of the exchangeable working correlation parameter was incorrect whenever the outcome variable included singletons (clusters of size one). The effect of the bug was to attenuate the estimated correlation in the exchangeable structure. If the proportion of singletons was small, the effect was negligible.

    To address this problem, your Stata executable must be dated at least 14 Oct 1997 (type query born in Stata) and you must be using at least version 3.3.0 of xtgee (type which xtgee in Stata). If your xtgee command is older, download the updated ado-files as well.
  • xtgee has also been updated to change the calculation of the scale parameter. Formerly N was used as the divisor and now N-k is used. Either will work in that any consistent estimate of phi is adequate, but most other implementations use N-k.
  • "tabdisp ... if exp ..." would say "no observations" and then proceed to produce output if no observations were selected.
  • tabulate would fail to present the variable label on some computers when the variable(s) being tabulated were strings.
  • tabulate would sometimes produce a Cramér's V with the sign reversed in 2x2 tables.
  • tabulate, gen() missing would label the variable corresponding to the missing category oddly.
  • cox and stcox could go into an endless loop — which could be stopped by pressing Break — if basehazard() or basesurv() was specified with certain malformed models having coefficients equal to infinity.
  • Constructs such as x1a1-x1a4 for a list of new variables produced an invalid syntax error, r(198). They are now understood.
  • insheet previously required that, if there were K variables in the dataset, each and every record have K-1 delimiters. It no longer requires this. (Some programs, such as Excel, will produce short records when the cells at the end are empty.)
  • Attempts to define value labels with negative values, such as label define yesno -9 yes, produced the error message "invalid syntax" rather than the more descriptive error message "label values must be between 0 and 32767".
  • The programming command parse, parse() now clears all numbered macros. Previously it cleared only the one following the last to be defined meaning that, if the user defined the missing macro, `*' could take on a surprising value.
  • infix using dictionaryname, when the dictionary itself contained a using filename, gave an error message when filename contained an explicit path.
19 Mar 1997
  • infile with a dictionary, when the dictionary specified that lines were to be read out of order, could the read the data incorrectly.
  • Very long, very narrow datasets could cause Stata to crash with a divide-by-zero error if there was insufficient memory to hold the data.
06 Jan 1997
  • cox, logit, probit, and regress, when used with a by prefix and pweights, no longer switch to aweights after the first group.
  • A oneway tabulate with an if expression and the generate() option no longer fills in random values for observations not selected by the if expression.
  • set maxvar/maxobs no longer gives an error since it plays no role in Stata 5.
  • graph using filename no longer closes the file being saved by a graphics (gph) program.
  • table and tabdisp now stop with a no-observations error when they should.
  • browse and edit no longer stop scrolling with more than 65,000 observations.
  • The log window no longer comes to the front after you click on the Log... button and then click Cancel.
  • File--Do... now works with file and path names that include blanks.
  • All the File pulldowns now work with Windows 95 network names (such as \\venus\...).
17 Oct 1996
  • outsheet with a variable list saved the correct values, but used the first k variable names in the dataset as column headers rather than the k specified variable names.
11 Oct 1996
  • insheet no longer requires the last line of a file to end with a hard return.
  • Pasting into the spreadsheet editor is now faster because each change is no longer echoed to the log. Instead, a summary is echoed to the log.
  • Stata’s automatic repartitioning has been improved; it now avoids unnecessary repartitioning. This affects Intercooled and Pseudo-Intercooled Stata only.
05 Oct 1996
  • Some users found that vertical text in graphs did not show when using the default Windows fonts.