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How do I get around the "device busy" error while installing Stata on Solaris?

Title   Installing Stata on Solaris
Author Jeremy Wernow, StataCorp

Solaris often has something running called "volume management". When you insert a diskette, Solaris automatically tries to mount the diskette. However, Stata for Unix installation diskettes do not contain a file system, and the volume manager cannot mount them. When you try to follow the instructions in the Getting Started with Stata for Unix manual and use the cpio to copy the installation media onto the hard disk, you may get a "device busy" error.

You want to turn off volume management, then install the disks, then turn it back on:

stop volume management:

        # /etc/init.d/volmgt stop

for each diskette:

        # cpio -idvmBc < /dev/rfd0
        # eject fd

start volume management:

        # /etc/init.d/volmgt start

Then continue with the instructions in the Getting Started manual to finish installing Stata.