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Note: This FAQ is for users of Stata 5. It is not relevant for more recent versions.

Stata 5: I log in to a Unix server from my PC at home. Is there any way to get Stata for Unix to display graphs remotely on my PC?

Title   Stata 5: Viewing graphs when running Stata for Unix remotely
Author Alan Riley, StataCorp

Yes, assuming you log in using a modem/phone line and not a direct ethernet connection. You may have to get your system administrator to install a couple of things for you. You should read [U] 9.12 Remote Graphics Support (RGS).

Your system administrator or your Stata site administrator should be able to provide you with a copy of the RGS diskette you will need. The system administrator will need to install the RGS terminal descriptions. The technical note in the Stata User's Guide details this.