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How do I estimate a nonlinear model using ml?

Title   Use of ml for nonlinear model
Authors Weihua Guan, Gustavo Sanchez, StataCorp

Consider the model

	y = f(x) + e

where y is the outcome, f(x) is a nonlinear form of covariate x, and e is the random error. We can change the equation into

	e = y - f(x)

Assuming that the errors are distributed as N(0,sigma), we are allowed to write the density function, which is also the likelihood function.

			1		   e^2
	f(e) = ------------------- exp(- ---------)
		sqrt(2*_pi)*sigma	2*sigma^2

Then, the log-likelihood function will be

	lnL = -0.5*ln(2*_pi) - ln(sigma) - 0.5*e^2/sigma^2
	    = -0.5*ln(2*_pi) - ln(sigma) - 0.5*(y-f(x))^2/sigma^2

We now need to parse f(x) into several linear combinations of x covariates and other parameters.

Here we use the first example in [R] nl to show how to write the ml program for the same model. The nl program is written in the manual as

 program define nlnexpgr
         if "`1'" == "?" {                  /* if query call ...             */
                 global S_1 "B0 B1"         /*    declare parameters         */
                 global B0=1                /*    and initialize them        */
                 global B1=.1
         replace `1'=$B0*(1-exp(-$B1*`2'))   /* otherwise, calculate function */

Using the auto dataset we obtain the following results:

 . sysuse auto, clear

 (1978 Automobile Data)

 . nl nexpgr rep78 headroom
 (output omitted)

        rep78 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
           B0 |   3.435331   .1604479    21.41   0.000     3.115075    3.755586
           B1 |   1.947203    1.76742     1.10   0.275    -1.580583    5.474988
  (SE's, P values, CI's, and correlations are asymptotic approximations)

Now let’s try our ml program. Note that

    f(x) = B0*(1-exp(-B1*x)

We need to estimate B0 and B1. Considering the formula, we may treat B0 as a parameter and B1*x as the linear combination xb, which has no constant term. We also need to estimate an additional parameter “sigma”, the standard deviation of the normal distribution.

 program define mlnexpgr
  version 7
  args lnf B1x B0 sigma
  tempvar res
  qui gen double `res' = $ML_y1 - `B0'*(1-exp(-`B1x'))
  qui replace `lnf' = -0.5*ln(2*_pi)-ln(`sigma')-0.5*`res'^2/`sigma'^2
 . ml model lf mlnexpgr (B1: rep78 = headroom, nocons) (B0:) (sigma:)
 . set seed 1
 . ml search
 (output omitted)
 . ml max
 (output omitted)

                                                   Number of obs   =         69
                                                   Wald chi2(1)    =       2.85
 Log likelihood =  -96.543274                       Prob > chi2     =     0.0913
        rep78 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
 B1           |
     headroom |   1.947196   1.153046     1.69   0.091    -.3127326    4.207125
 B0           |
        _cons |   3.435331    .137532    24.98   0.000     3.165773    3.704889
 sigma        |
        _cons |   .9804333     .08346    11.75   0.000     .8168547    1.144012

The estimates we obtained from ml are very close to the those from the nl program. The estimated standard errors are a little different, but we know that they are from different algorithms.

We could extend the ml program to estimate robust variances with the robust option or with the cluster() option.

 . ml model lf mlnexpgr (B1:rep78=headroom,nocons) (B0:) (sigma:), robust 
 . set seed 1
 . ml max
  (output omitted)

                                                   Number of obs   =         69
                                                   Wald chi2(1)    =       3.97
 Log pseudolikelihood =  -96.543274                Prob > chi2     =     0.0462
                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 18 clusters in turn)
              |               Robust
        rep78 |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
 B1           |
     headroom |   1.947196   .9767398     1.99   0.046     .0328213    3.861571
 B0           |
        _cons |   3.435331   .1145516    29.99   0.000     3.210814    3.659848
 sigma        |
        _cons |   .9804333   .0743649    13.18   0.000     .8346808    1.126186

The robust estimation gives the same estimated coefficients, but it gives adjusted standard errors for the three parameters in this model. We may also apply this program for clustered data:

 . ml model lf mlnexpgr (B1:rep78=headroom,nocons) (B0:) (sigma:), cluster(turn)