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I am using margins after an estimation that has time-series operators in the independent variable list. How does margins calculate the means of the independent variables?

Title   Marginal effects and time-series operators
Author May Boggess, StataCorp

The way Stata commands can interact with time-series operators is really neat. For example, you can summarize the first difference of a variable without having to create a new variable containing the first differences. So, margins has no trouble getting the means:

. sysuse auto, clear
 (1978 Automobile Data)
. generate t=_n
. tsset t
Time variable: t, 1 to 74
        Delta: 1 unit

. regress mpg L(0/2).turn

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 72
F(3, 68) = 25.40
Model 1281.09504 3 427.031681 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual 1143.2244 68 16.8121235 R-squared = 0.5284
Adj R-squared = 0.5076
Total 2424.31944 71 34.1453443 Root MSE = 4.1003
mpg Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
--. -.9320462 .1237537 -7.53 0.000 -1.178993 -.6850996
L1. -.1183241 .1266935 -0.93 0.354 -.3711369 .1344888
L2. .0993164 .1244224 0.80 0.428 -.1489645 .3475974
_cons 59.04122 5.622999 10.50 0.000 47.8207 70.26173
. summarize turn if e(sample)
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
turn 72 39.63889 4.460486 31 51
. summarize L.turn if e(sample)
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L1. 72 39.68056 4.449486 31 51
. summarize L2.turn if e(sample)
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L2. 72 39.73611 4.427803 31 51
. margins, dydx(_all) atmeans nose Conditional marginal effects Number of obs = 72 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() dy/dx wrt: turn L.turn L2.turn At: turn = 39.63889 (mean) L.turn = 39.68056 (mean) L2.turn = 39.73611 (mean)
--. -.9320462
L1. -.1183241
L2. .0993164

Note the if e(sample) on each summarize.

We can double-check how many observations were used in the estimation, only 72, even though there are no missing values in mpg or turn. Yet there are two observations missing.

This is because we have used the lag L2, so L2.turn is missing in the first and second observation, and thus, those two will not be used in the estimation.

You can be forgiven for thinking that I could have been more efficient if I have just thrown away the observations that are not in the e(sample) before I used summarize. That would be OK if it weren’t for the time-series operators:

. sysuse auto, clear
 (1978 Automobile Data)
. generate t=_n
. tsset t

Time variable: t, 1 to 74
        Delta: 1 unit

. regress mpg L(2/3).turn

Source SS df MS Number of obs = 71
F(2, 68) = 2.85
Model 187.429767 2 93.7148836 Prob > F = 0.0648
Residual 2236.45756 68 32.8890817 R-squared = 0.0773
Adj R-squared = 0.0502
Total 2423.88732 70 34.6269618 Root MSE = 5.7349
mpg Coefficient Std. err. t P>|t| [95% conf. interval]
L2. -.2030227 .1684267 -1.21 0.232 -.539113 .1330675
L3. -.2356865 .1698156 -1.39 0.170 -.5745484 .1031753
_cons 38.7856 7.345561 5.28 0.000 24.12776 53.44344
. summarize L2.turn if e(sample)
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L2. 71 39.73239 4.459205 31 51
. summarize L3.turn if e(sample)
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L3. 71 39.80282 4.422733 31 51
. margins, eydx(L2.turn L3.turn) atmeans nose Conditional marginal effects Number of obs = 71 Expression: Linear prediction, predict() ey/dx wrt: L2.turn L3.turn At: L2.turn = 39.73239 (mean) L3.turn = 39.80282 (mean)
L2. -.0095146
L3. -.0110454
. keep if e(sample) (3 observations deleted) . summarize L2.turn
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L2. 69 39.7971 4.48717 31 51
. summarize L3.turn
Variable Obs Mean Std. dev. Min Max
L3. 68 39.86765 4.481819 31 51

Now we can see that the means obtained after throwing observations away are not the correct ones. This is because we need all the observations to create L2.turn and L3.turn the same way they were during the estimation.